Transcript Cap Digital

Brésil, Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo
04-08 Novembre 2013
Executive Summary
[Company name + tagline]
General guidelines
Less is more. So be brief.
Don’t repeat yourself. There is one specific place for each aspect of your company. Clear, concise
language is key.
Speak to businessmen, not engineers. You will often meet with business development teams that,
while knowledgeable of your industry, may not have engineering backgrounds and are just as
interested in the benefits of your technology as its technical aspects/features (if not more).
Thus, they need a clear explanation of a problem, and a clear explanation of the solution you
propose. In other words, the “story” surrounding your product needs to pique their interest!
Develop an elevator pitch. At the end of this, if there is one thing your reader should remember,
what is it? Your tagline should convey this, and be the guiding force of the document.
You only get one chance at a first impression.
Feel free to adapt this model to match your corporate communication style with
appropriate fonts, colors, images/graphics, etc. Aesthetics and grammar are extremely
important. Failure to present your company in a professional manner drastically reduces
your chances of selection, no matter how innovative your technology is!
Contact information
Company Address:
Company Website:
Contact Name:
Contact Title:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Problem addressed
 What problem are you addressing?
 Who is your target market?
 What solutions currently exist? What is wrong with them?
Solution developed
Please concisely describe:
¬ what your product or service is (software, hardware, SAAS, platform,…)
¬ what it does?
¬ who is it for?
What are the features of your solution?
What are the benefits of each feature?
How innovative are you? What makes you stand out from the
Solution developed
 Key metrics:
¬ Amount of money or time your client will save/earn with your
¬ Average return on investment for your customers
¬ Amount of time needed to install your solution
¬ Number of years of research spent to develop your product
Technological aspects
 Technical aspects of your solution
¬ form factor
¬ functionality
¬ features
¬ architecture
¬ patents
¬ ….
Key facts
 Major clients
 Significant number of customers reached / products sold
 Significant number of customers reached / products sold
Case studies
 Present a significant case study for your technology, as
it is used in your target sector(s)