Transcript Slide 1

Spending Review
Ian Gutsell
Head of Strategic Finance
East Sussex County Council
• Formula Grant combined with a number of
specific grants – reduced by 22% by
• Heavy front loading into 2011/12
• 2011/12 – Average reduction 9.9%
• 2012/13 – Further reduction 7.8%
• Very challenging financial environment
East Sussex County Council
• 2011/12 Shire County Formula Grant reduction
– 12.6%
• Savings required in 2011/12 - £37m
• Savings over the term of CSR - £100m
• The rolling of specific grants into Formula Grant
has had big impact, especially on Children’s
• There will be cuts in some services BUT the
Council retains its priority to maintain help and
support to the most vulnerable individuals
Adult Social Care
2011/12 draft ASC budget - £166.863m
2.1% reduction, equating to £3.53m
Savings target £14.229m
ASC is not able to continue to do
everything that it currently does
• Reducing funding levels v increasing
demand for services