FGS: Finding Summer Work [PPTX 1.66MB]

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Transcript FGS: Finding Summer Work [PPTX 1.66MB]

Welcome to the
Careers & Employability Centre
How to find Summer Work
& Experience
Session Covers
By the end of the session you will be aware of:
•what we mean by summer work and experience
•types of work and experience available locally / nationally
•where you can find vacancies
•legal requirements
•how to get further support
and why do it?
• To earn some extra cash
• To develop your skills and experience
• To make new contacts
It’s not all about the money!
30mins / £9.40
21mins / £5.50
Brighton – Lewes
15mins / £4.50
Brighton – Eastbourne
32mins / £9.60
51mins / £15.50
Brighton and Hove
Brighton & Hove
Brighton & Hove is a tourist resort - much of the work is in
service industries such as restaurants and hotels
What could you do?
• Other examples of casual work locally could be:
Bar work / restaurants / cafés
Shop work / supermarkets
Telephone work
Local Labour Market
• Creative & Digital Media sector
• Small / medium sized enterprises
• Public sector: education, health, local government
• Service sector
• Language schools
• Voluntary and community sector
• Finance - American Express European HQ
How to find jobs / Experience your university jobs database
• Jobs advertised our website
• Jobs in Brighton & Hove, campus and Sussex
• Sign up for regular job alerts
• Links for work experience and volunteering
• Leadership day - Monday, 10 June 2013 / 09:30 - 16:00
• www.do-it.org
How to find jobs strategies
• Speculative approaches - some shops/ bars will have notices up in windows –
we also round up online at www.sussex.ac.uk/careers/jobs
• Newspapers- The Argus on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Friday Ads,
The Leader
•Government work search site = www.jobseekers.direct.gov.uk
• Recruitment agencies
• Use your networks if at all possible- lots of jobs are never advertised
• Careers and Employability events – meet employers
•Sign up for ‘My Work Search’ website (Careers Reception Desk)
How to find jobs
useful websites
www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk - search for local work
www.theargus.co.uk/jobs - local newspaper online
www.brightonandhovejobs.com – local jobs
www.friday-ad.co.uk – online free press online
www.reed.co.uk – free for local employers to advertise so popular
https://jobs.brighton-hove.gov.uk- Brighton & Hove city council
(you could try East and West Sussex councils too)
Seasonal Jobs in larger shops & supermarkets often lead to more work
Important things you need to
know money
• £6.19 - for workers aged 21 and over
• £4.98 - the 18 to 20 rate
•from October 1st 2012
• Beware of scam jobs!
Important things you need to know
tax and national insurance
• Bad news - all workers have to
•Tax & National Insurance
• Good news – there is an allowance!
• Fill in your tax form
• Get a ‘National Insurance Number’
Important things you need
to know health & safety
• Be safe
• If in doubt, ask!!
How to find part time jobs
here for you
The Careers & Employability Centre
Ground Floor
The Library
[email protected]