Transcript Slide 1

Understanding Your Social
Introduction to Social Impact Measurement – 2nd CRN Conference,
November 2011
Penny Morriss, Forth Sector Development
+44 (0)131 659 4745
[email protected]
• What is social impact and why should we
care about ours?
• What are some key terms and concepts?
• What methods and approaches could I use to
measure mine?
• We’ve seen the benefits – now what about
the challenges?
• How do I get started?
Firstly, who am I?
Forth Sector - an Edinburgh based and long
standing social enterprise running
supporting people with significant challenges
in the labour market through our social firms
Forth Sector Development – long history in the
developing discourse on social impact
measurement in Scotland, led the SROI Project
and now manage Social Impact Scotland
What is ‘Social Impact?’
• The effects on various people, groups of
people, communities, and entities that
happen as a result of an action, activity,
project, programme or policy
• The change that happens for people as a
result of an action or activity.
Social Impact Measurement
Understanding, proving, measuring and
evaluating the effects, or changes, that
result from an activity or action
Focused on RESULTS (outcomes) and not
PROCESS (inputs/outputs)
Why Measure Yours?
- Understand what you do well, and what
you don’t do so well
- Improve your service or activity, and focus
on the activities and projects that make a
real difference
- Spend wisely, and be more competitive in
business and when attracting funding and
Why Measure Yours?
Continue to Increase the Social Impact
(and environmental, and economic
impacts) of what you do over time, by
being able to evidence the impact that
you make and by being able to adjust
the way you do things to always do
things better
Terminology and Key Concepts
• When we talk about ‘outcomes’ and ‘social
impact’ there can be confusion about the
meaning of some of the related
Outcome, Output, Input, Impact,
Social Value Indicators Stakeholders
‘Outcomes are the changes, benefits,
learning or other effects that happen as
a result of your work’ Charities
Evaluation Service’
• Intended, Unintended,
• Positive, Negative, Change, Prevent
Change, Hard Outcomes, Soft Outcomes
Others …
• Input
• Output
• Impact
The resources required by an activity
The tangible products of an activity
The cumulative results of outcomes at
a broader level i.e. for society
• Social Value
The worth of an outcome, or of
the impact of outcomes, for a
stakeholder, for society, or some time for the
public purse
• Stakeholders
Individuals, groups or entities
that affect, or are effected by, an
So, all together..
‘The Women’s Project aims to reduce unwanted
From inputs to impact
teenage pregnancy by offering support and group
Case study: The Women’s Project
work to young women’
One-to-one support
Group work
Increase in young people’s
Reduction in social
Awareness of alternatives to
young parenthood
Reduction in teenage
Access to education and training
Reduction in social
Well Known Approaches ..
Social Return on Investment
Social Accounting and Audit
Logic Modelling / Theory of Change
Outcomes Accountability
There are others!
EMAS and ECO Mapping
Some things to remember…
Evaluation v. Monitoring, v. Planning and
Mapping outcomes
‘Social’ impact is subjective – What is it
that you want to understand, and from
what perspective?
Who are you doing the analysis for, and
are you speaking the same language as
your audiences?
Shared Principles…
Focused on Results, or Outcomes of a
process, and not the process itself
About making a difference and
understanding what change means to
people, and potentially how they value it
Shared Principles…
Involve stakeholders to understand the
change they have experienced
Be Transparent and open about
assumptions in your analysis
You can find out more..
Social Impact Scotland
Charities Evaluation Service
Resource Intensive?
Culture Change?
Difficult to Implement – Outputs to
Getting Started
Understand WHY you want to undertake
an evaluation and WHO it is for………
Identify the approach that is the best fit for
you by knowing what it is you want to
measure and how you want to report it
Getting Started
Consider available resources, and limitations
To undertake any evaluation, or analysis, of your
impact, you need to set the scope of the work.
This means setting the boundaries and
limitations on what and who you will include, and
how ‘in-depth’ the evaluation will be – and the
resources you have available to you will
influence these decisions more than anything
Getting Started
Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement – who to
include and what is their experience in their words of
your activity?
• Which Stakeholders will you include?
• What Outcomes will you measure?
• What INDICATORS will you use to understand whether
outcomes are occurring, and to what extent?
• Who needs to be involved in the evaluation, and do you
have their support and buy-in?
Getting Started
Review your current monitoring practice
• Monitoring outcomes versus outputs?
• Quality and depth of the data you already have
to hand?
• Can you adapt what you are doing already, or do
you really have to start from scratch?
• How long do you think you’ll need to collect the
data you need for your evaluation?
Getting Started
A cycle of evaluation
and monitoring, and
Evaluate IMPACT
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