Diapositive 1 - ac

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Elaborer une TACHE FINALE complexe à et MISE EN SITUATION du CECRL : et en s ’ partir d ’ un SCENARIO appuyant sur les DESCRIPTEURS •Classe concern é e : Troisi è me LV1, 20 élèves •nombre de s é ances : 4 •r é alisation de la s é quence : Octobre 2009 •activit é s langagi è res mises en œ uvres : •CO : classwork : (a personality quiz) + individual work (elllo.org : are you shy?) •PE (knowing me well) •CE (roommates wanted) + POc (leaving a message on potential roommate

’ s

mobile phone)


You want to share a room with another student : Read the students’ ads and

decide who you have most in common with


Give this person a call and

leave a message on their mobile

, telling who you are, what you are like and what you like doing on weekdays and at the week end !

Siobhan I’m 16 years old. I don’t like to do my homework alone. I’m rather lazy and sometimes a bit silly, but I ‘d enjoy working company!

I’ve got two guinea pigs and a cat. I am a pet lover!

Mobile : 15663632648 Francis: I’m 15 and a half I LOVE heavy metal bands : My favorite is ACDC! I’m not very patient with people. I enjoy being on my own, listening to my music on my mp3.Mobile : 59164885548 Joey I’m 17. I love football. I’m extremely active. I enjoy scoring goals for my football team , but I also like going to handball matches!

On a Saturday, I usually chill out !

Call me on 1736532648


Tu es étudiant et tu recherches un


avec lequel t’entendre et passer une bonne année scolaire !

Tu parcours le tableau des petites annonces et décide quel(le) partenaire serait le(a) partenaire idéal(e) et pourquoi.

Tâche finale

Tu appelles ce partenaire potentiel sur son portable pour lui proposer une colocation, mais tu tombes sur sa


: tu lui laisses donc un message précisant le but de ton appel : tu en profites pour te

présenter de manière détaillée

te rappelle ultérieurement.

; enfin tu lui laisses tes coordonnées afin qu’il (elle)

Mise en œuvre : étapes multiples et micro taches

CO : personality quiz

(ENJOY ENGLISH in 3eme, Didier 2009)

• D é couvrir la nature du quiz / anticiper sur son contenu • S ’ entra î ner à inf é rer le vocabulaire nouveau en faisant appel au connu et / ou déjà vu (entendu) • Travailler sur l ’ accent de mots, l ’ intonation • D é velopper des strat é gies propres à l ’ oral : h é sitations, tournures phatiques (I do like shopping !)

CE + méthodologie

• Exercice d’ appariement (inf é rer le vocabulaire nouveau (2)) • Travailler la m é thodologie (pr é fixes / suffixes) et enrichir son lexique

CO : interview : are you shy?


• D é velopper des strat é gies propres à gap fillers (you know..) l ’ oral : h é sitations (er..), CE : What are they like? S ’ entra î ner à inf é rer le vocabulaire nouveau en faisant appel au contexte et paratexte PE : What are YOU like? • R é diger une description d é taill é e de soi (adjectifs de personnalit é , adverbes de gradation, goûts personnels, hobbies, habitudes … )

Get ready….

• Comprendre la situation et inventorier les critères d’évaluation (d é pôt d ’ identit é , objet de l ’ appel , portrait , clôture de l ’ appel)


• Mobiliser savoirs et savoir-faire

…. Go !

• S ’ enregistrer pour de vrai comme lorsqu ’ on laisse un message sur répondeur t é l é phonique


: Je sais me présenter de manière précise et détaillée

Bank of descriptors A2

• • • OVERALL ORAL PRODUCTION I can give a simple description or presentation of my likes / dislikes I can describe my hobbies and interests in a simple way I can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject.

• TELEPHONING I can handle simple telephone calls (e.g., say/ ask who is calling, ask to speak to someone, give my number, take/leave a simple message).

• ADDRESSING AUDIENCES Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

• PHONOLOGICAL CONTROL I can pronounce or spell words and simple phrases well enough to be understood. • SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROPRIATENESS Can socialise simply but effectively using the simplest common expressions and following basic routines.

Elaboration avec la classe d’une grille d’ évaluation de la tache finale SAIT s’adapter à la situation : OUVRIR et CLORE son message téléphonique 0 1 2 UTILISE LE LEXIQUE ET LES STRUCTURES ATTENDUS (routine, activités de loisirs,..) UTILISE LE LEXIQUE ET LES STRUCTURES ATTENDUS (adjectifs de personnalité , adverbes et locutions adverbiales de gradation..) SAIT REEMPLOYER DES EXPRESSIONS diverses POUR PARLER DE GOUTS ET DEGOUTS (au moins trois expressions différentes) SAIT RENDRE SON MESSAGE INTELLIGIBLE (accent de mots, phonologie générale ) SAIT RENDRE SON DéBIT proche de l’authentique avec hésitations, exagérations…ex : I do like reading ! (Pas de lecture !) LE MESSAGE EST INTELLIGIBLE malgré les erreurs de la langue 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2



Available Artistic Bold Caring Dishonest Determined A dare-devil .............


Not at all....not very.... a bit .... quite .... extremely ..... too.....



Shyness / SCRIPT

Listen to six people talk about whether they are shy.

Katia, Mexico

Am I shy? I'm not sure. Sometimes I am shy. Sometimes I am not shy, so I think it depends on the situation. If it's people that I know, if it's people I don't know. So am I shy? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no.

Jeff, Canada

Am I shy? Absolutely not. I think I'm not a shy person but there's a difference between things like public speaking and shyness, but no, I'm not shy.

Fred, Canada

Am I shy? That's an interesting question. No, I'm not going to say to "no". I'm not going to say 'yes', I think I might be in between. I enjoy talking to people very much but also at the same time, I could consider myself to be a reserved person. I like to talk about other people's things, not so much about my things.

Shibika, India

I don't think... I don't think I'm a shy person. I 'm open. I like interacting with people and I like making friends so I don't think I'm a shy person.

Sabriya, Oman

No, I'm not a shy person. I like meeting new people. I like speaking to people. I like making friends and socializing. I can do that.

Lupe, United States / Mexico

Am I shy? No, I don't think I'm shy, or I think maybe it depends on the occasion, where I'm at, and who I'm with. For the most part, I think I'm really outgoing. I love meeting new people and I love talking to someone I just met because it anything it gives you more to talk about. You can ask more questions because you don't know much about the person. There are certain times when maybe I'm just not in the mood to talk to someone, so I tend to be a little quiet, but I don't think that that really makes me a shy person, so for the most part, I don't think I'm shy.