Chapter 6, section 1 Questions to answer

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Transcript Chapter 6, section 1 Questions to answer

Industrial and Technological Boom
Questions to answer
• Why did people’s daily lives change in the
decades following the Civil War?
• How did advances in electric power and
communication affect life for people and
• What effects did the development of railroads
have on industrial growth?
• What was the impact of the Bessemer process
on America?
3 Factors lead to an Industrial Boom in the
late 1800s in America
1. A wealth of natural resources
Oil = gasoline = fuel industry
2. An explosion of ingenuity and inventions = A
higher standard of living
3. Growth of urban population = growth of
cities = new markets for products =
Increased Demand
1. Growth of new ideas and inventions = increased
2. With all of the new innovation and inventions a
patent system was necessary to protect inventors
3. Patent = licenses that give an inventor exclusive
right to make, use, or sell an invention for a set
period of time
4. Between 1790-1860, the fed. Gov’t. issues just
36,000 patents
5. 1860-1890 = 500,000 patents issued
• Secrecy was a must = fortunes could be made
off innovations
• Without this technological “boom”, the
Industrial Revolution would NOT have been
Investors help expansion
1. European and American business leaders
2. Combination of financial backing and
ingenuity create new industries and expand
on old ones.
3. Increased industrial productivity = American
standard of living goes up
1. Rapid expansion of industry = increased
standard of living by 1890.
a. Work week reduced by 10 hours
b. New opportunities in recreation = more
demand for technology (phonograph, bicycle,
Check out these innovations
• How do they impact your life today?
Morse Code
The Telegraph
• 1844, Samuel Morse successfully completes
the 1st telegraph message
• By 1900, the Western Union Telegraph
Company owned more than 900,000 miles of
wire and made 63 million telegraph messages
a year!
The Telephone
• Alexander Graham Bell patents the “talking
telegraph” in 1876.
• 1885 American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
build long distance lines
• By 1900, 1.5 million telephones were in use
Alexander Graham Bell
First telephone
• Where would communication be today
without Morse and Bell?
Oil fuels industrial boom
• Edwin L. Drake = use of steam engine to drill
for oil
• Titusville, PA 1858
• Prior obtaining oil time-consuming &
• 1859, Drake struck oil and it soon became a
major industry
• A by-product of turning crude oil into
kerosene was gasoline, but would be viewed
as a waste product until the automobile
Edwin L. Drake
Drake’s well in Titusville, PA
Industrial Rev would change
Old methods?
- Canals connected rivers
- Horse drawn wagons
- Slow, inefficient, and expensive!
Rise of Railroads
1. Industrial expansion and technological boom
= increased demand for shipping routes to
new markets = expansion of railroad industry
Early Locomotive – steam engine on wheels
• a. Could pull many cars at once
• b. Could hold people or freight
Gave reliable way to transport goods
Created millions of new jobs
Helped farmers get produce to markets faster
Travel took less time
People traveled more for pleasure
• Railroads – 1828 Baltimore and Ohio Line (B &
• Advances in communication resulted, postal
service, regular mail delivery
Growth of Railroads
• Major expansion during and after Civil War
• Completion of the first Transcontinental
Railroad on May 10, 1869 at Promontory
Summit, Utah after 7 years of construction.
• Most workers were immigrants = Chinese
• Government funded most of project
• Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad
Promontory Summit, Utah 1869
Technological Advances expand
• Track gages and signals
• Air brake systems
• Granville Woods = telegraph system for
communication of moving trains
• Growth of railroads leads to development of
towns in west
• Time zones created to improve scheduling
• What impact might improved transportation
have on business?
• What impact might it have on families and
social life?
Expansion of Business
• Growth of business = easier to ship goods =
lower shipping costs = further expansion of
Bessemer Process
• 1856 Henry Bessemer = create steel from
scrap metal = more durable
• Iron rails would be replaced by steel
• Melt iron, add carbon and remove impurities
• Steel was lighter, stronger, and more flexible
Henry Bessemer
Steel leads to mass production
New age of building begins
Steel bridges (Brooklyn Bridge 1883)
Skyscrapers (Chicago Reliance Building 1890)
16 stories, the way our cities/country looks
• Urbanization
Construction of Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge (from old WTC)
Chicago Reliance Building
Thomas Edison
1. Inventor, but best known for his work with
2. In 1880, Edison produced light in a sealed
glass bulb (light bulb).
3. Used a workable filament made of bamboo
4. Indoor lighting now possible?
Thomas Edison in Menlo Park, NJ
• What would life be like today without indoor
• What affect would it have on our social lives?
• What affect would it have on business?
• What would you miss the most without
Indoor lighting changes “rhythm”
of life
• No indoor lighting in 1865, rising and setting
of sun dictated daily activities, business, etc.
Expansion of Electricity
1. Central Power Stations
- used to provide electricity for lamps, fans,
printing presses, and other new appliances
2. Lewis Latimer (son of an escaped slave)
improved on light bulb and harnessing electrical
3. George Westinghouse = 1885 use of a
transformer to provide long distance power for
home use (alternating current)
Two Major Companies Expand
• By 1898, General Electric and Westinghouse
Electric power stations were lighting 2 million
light bulbs across the land
• Productivity in business increased = produce
more in less time = cost decreases
• Employment opportunities
• Household appliances such as refrigerator
• New innovation concentrated in Urban areas.
• Rural areas lagged behind