A-ACAP Objectives

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The Australian Alternative Covers Assessment Program

Plant / Soil Behaviour and Interactions

Jason Ellerton Griffith University Supervisors: Assoc Prof Hossein Ghadiri Assoc Prof Margaret Greenway Dr Sam Yuen A-ACAP

Proposed Objectives

• Impact of physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of the cover materials on: – Plant growth – Root system development – Water uptake • Establish suitability of selected plants for use on phytocaps – Performance – Survivability (thrive vs survive) – Sustainability (garden vs self sustaining ecosystem) A-ACAP

Proposed Objectives (cont.)

• – – Compare root/shoot development across sites Soil types Climate variation • – – – Assess changes in soils due to plant development Structure Bulk density Soil hydraulic properties • – Develop / modify a model to predict system performance Aid landfill operators A-ACAP


Cockburn McLaren Vale Lyndhurst Townsville Lismore


Plants and Soils

• Australian natives – Mix of trees, shrubs and grasses – Attempt to mimic natural ecology – Indigenous to location (Lismore) • Local soils – Sourced locally – No special treatment A-ACAP

Potential problems

• Harsh climate for young plants – Drought – Wind • Pests – Weeds – Insects – Rabbits – People • Rooting depth – Landfill gas A-ACAP


• Suitability of Australian plants for the purpose of phytocaps • Compare root/shoot development across the sites • Assess changes in soils over time • Model the system for future use A-ACAP