Transcript Document

State University - Higher School of Economics
Institute for Policy and Program Evaluation
Total Quality Management
Application to Business &
Public Sector
(Ekaterina Kuznetsova)
«Program and Policy Evaluation: Methodology and Application»
Moscow, 23. November 2006
TQM in Business
TQM in Public Sector
The EFQM Excellence Award
is given when the Jury identifies an
exceptional organisation with excellent
and sustainable results across all areas,
and demonstrates a highly effective,
efficient and continuously improved
management system
Insight: People Development and
Involvement at CCINCA
CCINCA, a 2005 EFQM Excellence Award
Finalist, sets an example with a structured
people management system with the
objective of improving customers and
results orientation.
CCINCA has managed to achieve a culture
of improvement and trust.
Goal: to change and to modernize the
management system to cope with new
competitive challenges
Objective: to be a public company
managed as a private one with strong
customer and results orientation
Implementation: people development and
involvement + improvement of people
management system
Implementation of a
structured people
management system
The main elements of the system (1)
HR policy which gives the orientations;
 A competence development and training
 An internal communication process;
 An empowerment process;
 An evaluation and recognition process
The main elements of the system (2)
A set of assessment tools
annual EFQM self-assessment;
annual employee satisfaction survey;
manager satisfaction survey;
key performance indicators for each HR process;
an annual service contract review with directors;
some online surveys for training and
Results achieved
Deployment of the annual individual appraisal interview
throughout the group, one part concerning skills and another
part concerning performance.
Recognition, through financial and non financial rewards,
linked to individual achievement of objectives.
100% employees involvement in the improvement
Creation of a culture of improvement that is reinforced by the
deployment of improvement process and assessment tools in
each of the activities.
Increased of the training budget to around 6% of the payroll
and structure of the training processes to improve employee
satisfaction with training.
Get your top management committed to people development and
convinced that the implementation of a people management system
is a key factor in the global performance;
Work closely with managers and employees on the design of new
HR tools to understand their needs and to provide everyone with a
clear understanding of the project goals and objectives;
Take the time to deploy the tools progressively;
Empower your managers through the use of new HR tools;
Regularly review the effectiveness of the system in assessing the
satisfaction of employees and managers;
Take the time to communicate on the project at all levels;
Ensure training and coaching for managers and their teams.
Don’t deploy a new tool for all employees at the same
time: take the time to test;
Don’t start the implementation of a new tool using
criteria which have not been worked out by the
employees and the managers themselves;
Don’t forget to review;
Don’t hesitate to coach people if difficulties are
TQM in Public Sector
Current political context of
focus on short-term activities that do not
fundamentally change systems (emphasis on the
quick fix)
crisis driven rather than preventative
driven by current economic conditions rather
than long-term conditions
characterized by mistrust between political and
civil service arms of government
top-down decision making prevalent
highly adversarial positions of political parties
The Pennsylvania
Department of
Transportation’s Quality
= complete overhaul of poorly performing
public organizations into high-performance
Because of declines in service delivery,
inadequate funding, cutbacks, low morale, lack
of management capacity, lack of a sense of
mission, loss of political support and public
Two Decades of Quality Management at
PENNDOT, 1982-2002
Two Years of Innovation and
Change at PENNDOT, 1999-2001
Thank You