Transcript Document

MCCVLC and Online
MACET 2010 Conference
August 12, 2010
Today’s Agenda
• Overview of MCCVLC
• MCCVLC Non-Credit Task Force efforts
• Next Steps
How MCCVLC was formed
• MCCA Statewide Community College
Services Task Force formed in July 1995
• Task Force Report delivered March 1996
– 50% Area of State and 20% of Population
– Access – Hallmark of community colleges
• Financial accessibility
• Academic accessibility
• Geographic accessibility
As identified by the MCCA
Board - Trustees & Presidents
• Focus on the learner and services
required for success in a virtual
• Will NOT become the 29th community
college in Michigan
• MCCVLC organization will remain small
• Maximize choices for learners
MCCVLC Mission Statement
“To connect the teaching and student
support capacity of participating
Michigan community colleges so that
learners and clients can access
affordable, high-quality learning
opportunities whenever and wherever
MCCVLC Governance
• MCCA Board of Directors establishes policy
• Memorandum of Understanding
– Articulation agreement
– Financial Aid consortium agreement
– Common tuition / revenue sharing
• FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
• Accrediting agency (North Central Association)
• MCCVLC Advisory Council – Staff of member
institutions advise on operational issues.
Formal Agreements
• Good Practices in Contractual Arrangements
Involving Courses and Programs – HLC
• MCCVLC Memorandum of Understanding
• MCCVLC Program Agreement form
• MCCVLC Online Course Development Guidelines
and Rubric
Business Model – Credit
“Provider college / Home College”
• Instruction from provider college
• Students enrolling in virtual courses
maintain strong association
with the home college
Student support services
Maintain permanent transcript
Library resources
Test proctoring
Financial Aid
MCCVLC – Why It Works
• Involvement of all 28 member colleges
• Communication & collaboration among
presidents and trustees
• Excellent Staff Task Force
– All colleges represented
– Diversity of membership
• Good business plan
• Leadership
Enrollment Update
• Summer 1999
– Provider colleges -- 12
– Courses available -- 47
– Total enrollments > 700
• Winter 2010
– Provider colleges -- 24
– Course sections available -- 3254
– Total enrollments > 67,283
MCCVLC Student Website
• Course Catalog
• Help Center
– Time Management
– Technology Requirements
– Online Orientation
– Are You Ready for Online?
• Enrollment Submissions
Where we’ve been…
• Great student demand exists for online
• Online courses are pedagogically sound
• Current technology tools ensure quality
• Many capable faculty teaching online
• Collaborative approach is workable
Where we’re going…
• 2008 MCCVLC Strategic Plan
– Developed by VLC Advisory Council
– Approved by MCCA Board of Directors
• Strategic Goal #2 – Facilitate Program
Sharing Among Colleges
– Develop process for sharing non-credit
offerings between institutions
VLC Non-Credit Task Force
• Began meeting February 2010
Bay College
Grand Rapids Community College
Jackson Community College
Kellogg Community College
Kirtland Community College
Lansing Community College
Montcalm Community College
Oakland Community College
St. Clair County Community College
Schoolcraft College
VLC Non-Credit Task Force
• Topics addressed
– Development of repository for interinstitutional sharing
– Upgrading MCCVLC website to include noncredit offerings & the development of
business model/registration process
– Decision to focus collaborative
development on entry-level employability
skills that lead to a credential.
VLC Non-Credit Task Force
• Topics addressed
– Possible sharing of course management
system for non-credit offerings
– Financial aid for non-credit offerings
leading to credential
• MCCA Presidents Council
Next Steps – Fall 2010
• Complete Business Model
– win/win/win
• Identify first pilot project
– Train faculty
– Develop curriculum for online offering
– Marketing
– Online course management system
Ronda Edwards
Executive Director –
[email protected]
Bo Garcia
Director – Business &
Community Institute
Lansing Community
[email protected]
MCCVLC and Online
MACET 2010 Conference
August 12, 2010