The US in WWII

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The US in WWII

Dec. 7, 1941: Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

How ready were we to respond?


• Since WWI: – Isolationist – The Great Depression • Unemployment down, but when programs were cut in 1937, went up.

• Programs had to be restored. (WPA) – Attack on Pearl Harbor • Wiped out the Pacific Fleet – Unified Americans – Created Anti-Japanese feeling, esp. on West Coast


• How will the US convince businesses to retool for war equipment?

– Huge expense!

• What sacrifices will civilians be willing to make?

• How will the US put together both a military force (enough to fight two fronts at once) and build a navy, tanks, planes… fast?

– Is there enough manpower for both??

Selective Service

• 5 million rushed to enlist – Conscription still needed • 8 weeks basic training • Work force needs demanded more: – WAAC created to supplement • Driving, pilots, nurses, radio ops, clerical work • Women get official status, salary; no benefits


• Blacks had no equal rights in the US – Were drafted in large #s • Chinese Exclusion Act barred immigration – Chinese already here had no rights – But enlisted, served • Chinese Exclusion Act repealed 1943 • Japanese enlisted (not allowed until after 1943) • Native Americans & Mexican Americans enlisted in large numbers


• Auto production stopped 1942 – Converted to tanks, boats, planes , command cars • Shipyards, defense plants grew, multiplied • 18 million workers filled jobs – More than 6 mill women – In defense plants, women, minorities faced prejudice • Many refused to hire African Americans, except for janitorial work – A. Philip Randolph organized march on Washington – FDR issued executive order for equal hiring » Randolph cancelled the march


• Office of Scientific Research & Development – Improved radar and sonar – Developed miracle drugs (penicillin) – Atomic Bomb • Learning that Germany was splitting Uranium Atoms – OSRD set up Manhattan Project at Columbia U

Government Control

• Danger of inflation – Supplies of consumer goods declined – Demand increased • OPA (Office of Price Control) froze prices, wages • Rationing: coupon books issued for scarce goods – Shortages existed on rubber goods, meat, shoes, sugar, coffee, gas • Congress raised, extended income tax – Encouraged buying war bonds • Result: inflation stayed below 30% • WPB War Production Board – Decided which plants built which products, got them the raw materials – Launched nationwide drives for scrap metals, paper, rags, cooking fat