Diapositiva 1

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Transcript Diapositiva 1

World University Service of
the Mediterranean
Who we are
• The
WUS movement
Non profit organization established in Girona in
Close link to WUS Austria and special partnership
with the University of Girona
Our goal is to promote the development of higher
education as a key factor for the social and
economical advancement of Mediterranean
What we do
WUS MED increases, supports and strengthens
international academic cooperation through:
• Development of new and innovative project ideas
• Professional management of projects
• Fostering knowledge and technology transfer.
• Networking activities
• A broad range of consultancy services
Ongoing Projects (I)
Competence based training and internship model for
Innovation in Water related HEI educational offer
(AQUAdemia) [EACEA]
Development of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in
Moldova [Tempus 2012-15]
Development and strengthening of Quality Assurance
system at the University of Prizren: A challenge for a
newly founded university [Tempus 2011-14]
Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate
Energy and Environmental Law Studies (REGENLAW)
[Tempus 2011-14]
Ongoing projects
•Master professionnels en psychologie sociale pour
intervenir auprès des publics migrants en Russie,
Ukraine et au Kazakhstan [Tempus 2011-14]
•Competence @ University Prishtina [Tempus 2011-153
•Strategic Management of Higher Education Institutions
Based on Integrated Quality Assurance System
[Tempus 2011-13]
• Will
support the mobility projects through
its experience and networks in the
• Will
undertake the dissemination activities
needed for the accomplishment of the
planned objectives.
Thank You!