Transcript Document

Everybody has a hobby, But we’ve got a common one.

English does attract us More than stamps and actors And its a great fun !


• 7- 9 = you are very active !

• 4-6 = you like doing things !

• Under 4 = you love relaxing !

Tastes differ

Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.

What is hobby?

Some people are fond of animals, others are interested in art. But the most popular hobbies are sport, watching TV, playing musical instruments and computer games.

Different people have different hobbies

         

Playing sports Keeping pets Fishing Dancing Travelling Collecting Watching TV Reading books Listening to music Photographing

What hobbies do you know?

Fill in the blanks:

• G.rdening, d.ncing, sp..t, r.ading, th.atre, tr.velling, co.lecting, c.nema, d.ving , ph.tographing .

Let ‘s imagine that you have a lot of free time now. What would you like to do?

I would like to……

What are you fond of?

I am interested in …

Divide the words into categories

Something we can collect Something we can watch Something we can read ( Television, poems, pictures, badges, stamps, magazines, plays, newspapers, cartoons, coins, films, dolls, soap operas, toys, stories, comics )

Friday , the twenty-ninth of November Class work

Task Circle the correct variant

Speaking station «My Favourite Hobby»

Song “Lots of things I do “

We have done a lot of work todayHomework:

Write a composition «My favourite hobby»

Good luck!!!