Our PCT is responsible for - Southend-on-Sea

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Transcript Our PCT is responsible for - Southend-on-Sea

Why this, why now?
Reform of PCTs in 2006
Strengthened commissioning role
Significant change for PCT over last year
Changes in key personnel
NHS review by Professor Sir Ara Darzi
Improving Lives; Saving Lives
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
What next?
• Engage with partners:
• These are our thoughts at the moment
but what do you think?
• Analysis of IL;SL and Darzi review
• Produce a strategy in Spring 2008 that
we will consult on
What we know about life and
health in South East Essex
• Aging population – greater demand for
• Low levels ethnic minorities for UK but
higher in Southend than other parts of
S.E. Essex
• Life expectancy increased but 8 years
difference between worst & best
• Smoking is single most preventable cause of
illness and early death (400 local people per
year die)
• Obesity can reduce life expectancy up to 9
years (estimate 1 in 5 local adults obese)
• Children living in poverty – leads to poor
• Some groups of people may not access
services they need to stay healthy
Our ambition
Better health
Health gap will reduce
Easier to stay healthy
Health services:
– safe
– high quality
– suitable and convenient time and place
– clean pleasant and modern facilities
– staff well trained and helpful
• long-term conditions supported to:
– stay well
– prevent or delay deterioration of health.
Does this sound like the right
ambition for the PCT?
What do you think?
• We want to set an ambitious agenda
with public health priorities
• Improving Lives;Saving Lives sets out a
number of “pledges”
• We are suggesting a number of
commitments to make to our population
that we will regularly report our progress
Better health and well-being
• Increase life expectancy
• Reduce early deaths from stroke and
heart disease by 40% and from cancer
by 20% (from 1999) by 2010
• Reduce the health gap
• improve the health and healthcare
delivered to marginalised groups
Better Care
• Buy services that offer people choices are
safe and treat people with dignity & respect
• Improve patient satisfaction
• Improve lives of people with long term illness
• Ensure top quality community based
• Commission high quality evidence based
treatment, particularly improving :
– mental health and dementia care
– End of life care
Better Value
• Make primary care provision more accessible
and focused on needs
• Make it easier for people that need urgent
care to access closest most suitable & timely
care for their needs
• Put an end to waiting lists as we know them
by by 2009 and make sure you can get care
close to home
• Deliver or surpass national targets
At the heart of it:
• Keep local people at the centre and work in
partnership to best meet needs
• Welcome views and use them as valuable
information to assess what needs to change
• Be accountable: tell you honestly & regularly
how we are performing
• Commission needs led, evidence based
clinically effective services to maximise health
Do these commitments sound
like they are the right things?
Have we missed anything
We have talked about…..
• Challenges and opportunities
• The way we need to work to deliver our
Using practice based commissioning
Jointly commissioning through partnerships
Ethical framework
Engaging with patients & the public
Within our financial envelope
What we will do – some of our early ideas
Being more accountable
Working & partnership
Being a strong commissioner
These are some of our
What are yours?
Now Please help us
• To create a local strategy for the PCT
that belongs to all of us
• To join in our enthusiasm for improving
health & well-being
• E-mail or written comments
[email protected]
[email protected]