earthsummit2012 - Stakeholder Forum

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Transcript earthsummit2012 - Stakeholder Forum

Outcomes from PrepCom1
Focus – Sustainable Development Goals
Short and focussed outcome document. Set of sustainable
development goals as extension to MDGs.
Integration and Collaboration
Avoid duplication, especially with CSD. Promote interagency
collaboration with input from relevant UN agencies.
Access and Engagement
Promote participation and engagement in ‘Spirit of Rio’ New media
and web
Governments and Major Groups are being to provide inputs to inform
the Secretary General’s Report on the objectives and themes of the
conference. Deadline of 31st October 2010.
Assessing Progress
Spirit of Rio – diverse actors and renewed political commitment. Emphasise ‘3 pillars’ approach.
New Vs Old Commitments - tensions between countries arose on the need for renewed political
commitment on existing commitments, and the need for new commitments that reflect the 21st rather
than the 20th century.
Equity – green economy must include social elements. Not privatisation of natural assets. No new
conditionalities. Embrace diverse approaches.
Consumption - patterns of production and consumption remain fundamentally
Finance – financial support inadequate despite some increases in ODA commitments. Mechanisms
needed to enhance accountability to commitments.
Coherence - commitments in one area should not adversely affect the ability to meet commitments in
other areas e.g. trade
Information and Data - gaps on information and data for sustainable development indicators.
The Role of the Private Sector - importance of the private sector for achieving sustainable
development goals. Public-private partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility
New and Emerging Challenges
Multiple Crises – not new but multiple crises occurring simultaneously making
difficult to respond
Challenging the Global Development Model - Reappraise development
model and review role of markets
Water Resources Management – increasing water scarcity matching
increasing demand
Education – adult and child education for sustainable development. More
emphasis on science, engineering and technology. Less on economics,
environmental management.
Climate Change – particular challenge for achieving sustainable development
– SIDs
Global Biodiversity Loss – natural resource depletion, degraded ecosystems
Green Economy
Green Economy to advance Sustainable Development – ‘pathway to sustainable
development’. Green growth interchangeable with green economy
Green Jobs and Green Growth – job creation opportunities, green growth more labourintensive than brown growth. Job losses must result in retraining and social protection.
No ‘one size fits all’ – variety of manifestations, dependent on national circumstances.
Ecosystem Valuation – emphasises full costs of ecosystem destruction, but must be
careful not to ‘marketise’.
Economy-Environment Interface – must not neglect social element. Use green
economy for livelihoods.
Trade – need supporting international environment without protectionism and
Green Economy Cntd…
Principles – to guide transition to a green economy, roadmap and tool-kit
Finance and Stimulus – promoting implementation, assessing investment needs,
generating ‘stimulus package’ for developing countries.
Study and Research - risks and challenges of green economy:
To inform discussions on the green economy further it was proposed that UN DESA,
UNEP and other relevant organisations assess the benefits as well as the risks and
challenges associated with the transition to the green economy in the following areas:
• Macroeconomic policy implications
• Potential loss of competitiveness in some industries, loss of comparative advantage
of some countries
• Risk of green protectionism and trade-distorting green subsidies
• Contribution of green economy to poverty eradication.
Sustainable Development
Three pillars of sustainable development – promote greater convergence
Commission on Sustainable Development – strengthen, action-orientated, promoting
partnerships, integrating into UN work. More consultation with IFIs.
Interagency Co-ordination - greater UN cooperation, interagency co-ordinating
mechanism. ‘Unified framework on sustainable development’
Integrated Environmental Governance – IEG incoherent, duplication, reporting burden.
Rationalisation, assisting development countries to implement. Consultative process
National Councils for Sustainable Development – institutional frameworks on SD at
national level to promote integration
Action-orientated Vs Normative UNEP – UNEP as action-orientated programme like
UNDP, or normative, enforcement like WTO
Finance – adequate funds to support institutional framework.
Country Positions
Green Economy
Supportive: Barbados, China, EU, Indonesia, Norway, Republic of Korea, Senegal,
Sweden, Switzerland, USA, FAO, UNEP, UNIDO, Workers and Trade Unions
Unclear: Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, G77 and China, Mauritius,
Mexico, Uruguay, Women, NGOs, Local Authorities
Sceptical/Negative: Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Japan, Indigenous Peoples
Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
Supportive: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, EU, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico,
Montenegro, Norway, Switzerland, USA, UNEP
Unclear: China, Workers and Trade Unions, Science and Technology
Sceptical/Negative: NGOs