Parent’s Information Evening 2011 – Year 12

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Transcript Parent’s Information Evening 2011 – Year 12

Queens’ School Sixth Form
Parental Information
Evening 2011 – Year 12
From GCSE to AS Level / BTEC
Thank you for your support so far – GCSE
results are a combined effort.
Key differences this year:
• 4 subjects (or equivalent)
• 4 hours per week per subject + study periods
• More challenging content
• Greater range of skills required
• More homework!
• Emphasis on independent learning and reading
• Motivation and self-discipline essential
Our Expectations
- Behaviour (including use of mobiles)
- Attitude
- Homework
- Study periods
- Attendance / punctuality
- Dress code / ID badges
(2010 results
in italics)
Student Achievement 2011
• A level :UCAS pt. av. 329 : 306 without General
Studies (2010 312:297)
Subject point average 102 (2010: 96)
99% Pass rate; 59% Passes at grades A*-B
(2010 51% at grades A-B)
• AS Level (year 12)
Subject point average 39 (2010: 39)
Student point average 137 (2010: 130)
A-D: 83% (2010: 83)
What is on offer?
- Dedicated Sixth Form facilities
- Support from the Sixth Form team (Mr Taylor, Mr
Rooney, Mrs Kapoor and the Form Tutors)
- Opportunities to contribute to the school community
- A programme of extra curricular activities
How can you help support your sixth former?
» Attend Parent’s Evenings
» Keep an eye on how much work they
are doing at home
(if they say they are doing all of their work at
school – they aren’t doing enough!)
» Phone Mr Taylor or Mr Rooney if you
have any concerns
» Discuss their future with them
» Continue to phone in if they are ill and
to advise us in advance if they will be
» Please do not book holidays in term
Looking forward to next year
• Year 13s normally study 3 A2 Levels
or equivalent
• Minimum entry grade for A2 study –
D grade (in most cases)
Year 13
• Careers advice available at school
through Connexions
• University applications will take
place through UCAS this time next
University Applications
• Year 12:
- UCAS Higher Education Convention – March 2012
- Higher Education module in PSE – summer term
- UCAS day in enrichment week (summer term)
- 2 uni visits allowed during term time in Year 12
- Oxbridge / Medicine – prospective students (many
A/A*s at GCSE, predicted 4 As at AS Level):
programme organised by Mr Rooney including mock
interviews and talks by current students
University Applications
• Independent research of courses/institutions:
- ‘course search’ and ‘entry profiles’
- statistics available on all institutions and courses.
- prospectuses and open days
- Times and Guardian university guides
YEAR 12 (EG. Primary Teaching)
Thank you for listening
Mr Taylor (Head of Sixth): 01923478206 or
[email protected]
Mr Rooney (Deputy Head of Sixth) and Mrs Kapoor (absence line):