Transcript Document

A Parents’ Guide to Surviving
The number of our students going to university has increased year on year.
In 2011, 114/146 progressed to Higher or Further Education.
In 2012, 136/189 progressed to Higher or Further Education.
In 2013 there have been an impressive 176 students have been given offers to study at
A remarkable 38% of this year’s students have either firm or insurance offers from Russell
Group or 1994 Group universities.
In addition to this 38 students have offers to take an Art or Media Foundation Course at
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication.
What we have all done so far...
• Assemblies about post Bullers Wood aspirations (apprenticeships, careers,
• Form Tutor discussions about potential avenues after Year 13
• Higher Education & Careers Evening
• Promotion of:
Open days
Summer Schools
London Taster Days
Conferences for specific subjects and universities
• Work Experience
• Careers talks:
– two Professors from UCL (University College London)
– a Government Legal Service Lawyer about a career in Law
Search for courses starting in 2014 here
Russell Group
English Language grade B, plus Maths grade C. For UKbased students, a grade C or equivalent in a foreign
language (excl. Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew or Latin) is
required. UCL provides opportunities to meet this requirement
post-enrolment. GCE A Level
AAAe Typical offer
University College London (University of London) will make
offers for this course based on this qualification and when
combined with other qualifications
Specific subjects/grades required for entry:(English Literature
at grade A or English - Language & Literature at grade A).
Specific subjects excluded for entry:
General Studies and Critical Thinking.
Extended Project
University College London (University of London) will make
offers for this course only when combined with other
Required grades: Grade E.
Information: Accepted in lieu of pass at additional AS level.
1994 Group
GCSE/Standard Grade
General information on subjects/grades required for entry:
English at grade C
• GCE A Level
• AAB Typical offer
• Loughborough University will make offers for this course
based on this qualification and when combined with other
• Specific subjects/grades required for entry:
• English at grade B.
Information: AAB including English (Literature, Language or
both) (General Studies accepted)
BTEC level 3 Extended Diploma (QCF) Loughborough
University will make offers for this course based on this
qualification and when combined with other qualifications
Required grades: Grade Merit and grade
Distinction and grade Distinction.
Bullers Wood UCAS Timeline
One to one interview with Form Tutor this term
UCAS/Career days 17-19 July
• Wednesday:
Trip to Brighton City Centre and University
• Thursday:
Students register with UCAS
• Friday:
Statement workshop day
• Summer holidays:
Work on application form / Undertake ‘super-curricular’ activities
UCAS predicted grades are generated, and subject references are completed, by the end of July
Sixth Form team are allocated Tutor groups to oversee the UCAS process
Beginning of September : Academic references will have been completed by tutors
Friday 6th September:
Deadline for students’ second draft to be ready for their tutors
Their first draft will have been created at the personal statement
End of September: Students must have completed forms, paid UCAS and sent to referee
We aim to send applications before October half term.
“the early bird catches the worm....”
Competitive Courses
• On 19th July (Friday) afternoon there will be a
meeting for students applying for highly competitive
academic courses / institutions
• Early UCAS deadline for Oxbridge / Medicine /
Veterinary / Dentistry: 15th October 2013
• Bullers Wood deadline: Friday 4th October
Personal Statement
Encourage them to find out exactly what universities are looking for by using
the UCAS search tool.
To help prepare they could list key points, strengths and evidence to justify
why they have chosen the subject.
What interests them about the subject?: They need to show they understand
what is required to study the course
Why they are suitable to take the course: List their skills and experience and show why university is the logical
If they are applying to several different courses it can be hard to make the personal statement fit them all
properly. They could look for common themes and about those.
Demonstrate maturity and include positions of responsibility and achievements.
The good, the bad – and the hilarious!
We do go through all UCAS statements to make sure that they are technically correct and that they read
well. We sometimes find a few that make us chuckle – and we thought it only fair to share them with you.
“I have always wanted to be a midwife. My ambition is to help couples at every stage of the
process – from the moment of conception to the actual birth”
We do hope that not too much help and encouragement will be needed in the initial stages.
Another one:
“I looked at the many routes that Biology could take me, but through the endless list, Optometry
caught my eye.” This started the workplace banter of “what a superb pupil this student is” “they have set
their sights high”– and the banter soon became corny-er than that!
Both examples above are the actual words used in applications processed at this school;
we strongly suggested to the students that they amended them before submission.
The good, the bad – and the hilarious!
Another situation that can cause amusement is the lack of a spellchecker facility when completing a personal statement
on UCAS.
“and” can easily be typed as “nad” – and can be embarrassing and/or humourous in the wrong context
“as well” can easily be typed as “a swell” – and is equally humourous in the wrong context.
The moral of the story is to prepare the personal statement in “Word” with a spellchecker – and only transpose it when
.....and sometimes we can get it wrong too, such as the reference that indicated a student came from “a large girls’
comprehensive school” – that conjured up an image of our Snack Shack being overused!!
All personal statements should be read aloud by the writer and amended to allow for breathing – commas
and full stops
DO have their uses! After that a student should then read their statement aloud to a friend or family
member – and make amendments. Finally someone else should read the statement to the student – often
the meaning of a sentence
can seem totally different to the original intention of the writer – and remember - this is how a
University Admission’s Officer would read it.
Top 10 most overused personal statement opening sentences
1. I am currently studying a BTEC National Diploma in ... (used 464 times)
2. From a young age I have always been interested in ... (309 times)
3. From an early age I have always been interested in ... (292 times)
4. Nursing is a very challenging and demanding career ... (275 times)
5. For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with ... (196 times)
6. "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only” ... (189 times)
7. Nursing is a profession I have always looked upon with ... (178 times)
8. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in ... (166 times)
9. I am an International Academy student and have been studying since ... (141 times)
10. Academically, I have always been a very determined and ... (138 times)
Reproduced from the 'UCAS Guide to Getting into University and College'
with permission of UCAS - available from
Name X is high calibre student who has made exceptional progress at this girls’ comprehensive school since September 200*. Name X has
consistently been the top performing student, gaining the highest GCSE and AS grades in her year group; a richly deserved achievement. Name
X is a meticulously organised, intensely self-motivated and quietly reflective student who is well suited to a degree course in X.
Name X is an exceptionally able student. She made excellent progress through Key Stage 3 and 4 of this large Academy school for girls and
was among the top performing GCSE students in her year group. Her powers of analysis and problem solving are impressive and she is able to
assimilate new concepts with ease.
Name X is an intelligent, conscientious and reliable student. She joined this large comprehensive school for girls in 200* and made good
progress through Key Stages 3 and 4. Name X is popular amongst both staff and her peers and has continued to impress with her commitment
and enthusiasm towards all her ventures.
Name X is an outgoing and well-motivated student. He/she joined Bullers Wood Sixth Form in 2012 having spent Year 7-11 at a successful
grammar school. He/she has shown himself/herself to be a natural when interacting with others and possesses the necessary key skill to work
independently, which will stand him/her in good stead for his/her chosen subject at degree level.
Name X is an outgoing and motivated student, who would be well suited to studying X at degree level. He/she joined our sixth form in 201x and
made sound progress through Key Stages 3 and 4 at a local boys’/girls' school. He/she has a sound work ethic, and works to a good standard
both independently and in groups.
Name X is a popular member of Bullers Wood Sixth Form who would be well suited to studying X at degree level. She joined this large
comprehensive school for girls in 200* and made sound progress. She works to a good standard both independently and in groups. She is also
confident and will always participate willingly in discussions.
Universities are increasingly asking for additional information on students’ backgrounds as part of the ‘Widening Participation’ scheme.
– If the student is the first generation in the family to go to university.
– If there are any other factors that may have impeded their academic progress.
– If the student came from a school with a low percentage of 5 A*- C GCSE grades
Xxxx is a high calibre student. She joined this large all ability Sixth Form in 200x having spent Years 7 to 11 at challenging school where she
was one of the highest achieving students. She is among the top performers at AS level and has adjusted well to her new environment and the
transition to AS level. Xxxx is a self motivated, perceptive and reflective student who is well suited to a degree course related to XXXXXXX.
Xxxx contributes to school life in various ways. She is the Xxxx Prefect, with responsibilities to assist at Open Evenings and as an Ambassador
for the school; and she was also Head Girl and a member of the School Council at her previous school, where she gained a Head Teacher's
Award. Xxxx has achieved her Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award and she is currently part of the team organising the end of year Sixth Form Ball.
Outside school, Xxxx pursues dance at the XXXXX Youth Dance Company and enjoys World Cinema and music. She is an intelligent,
charming, and resourceful student with a very mature attitude who would thrive in the atmosphere of a top academic institution where she will
prove to be a wonderful asset.
Xxxxx is a sensitive young woman who has shown an impressive maturity and reflective attitude to her studies. Her enthusiasm for everything
she undertakes is balanced by a sincere desire to achieve. She is involved in a wide range of extracurricular activities, both at school and in her
own time, and is well organised and self motivated. She is extremely pleasant and has a friendly and personably character.
Xxxxx has worked tirelessly to prepare herself for Midwifery. She has organised and undertaken work experience and attended a range of
conferences and lectures. Combined with her natural good nature and calm character we have no doubt that she will be an asset to any course
and is well suited to her chosen career path of midwifery. Outside of lessons, Xxxxx is a trustworthy student who was appointed to the role of
Senior Prefect in which she has performed many tasks to assist the school community. She is also a very highly regarded 'Listening Ear',
assisting younger students by discussing their problems and issues. This role is much appreciated by students and staff alike.
Xxxxx is a delightful student who will unreservedly enjoy and exploit all the opportunities offered to her during undergraduate study. She has
really impressed members of staff with her determination to participate in activities related to Midwifery and has developed contacts in the Royal
College of Midwives. We feel that Xxxxx has many qualities that are crucial to becoming a successful Midwife. We wholeheartedly recommend
her to your course.
• PLCs
Important dates for your diary :
Year 13 Parents’ evening: 3rd December 2013
Year 13 Academic Review day: 13th March 2014
Any Questions?