Year 12 - Denefield School

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Transcript Year 12 - Denefield School

Year 12/13
Developing Independence
Parents Information 9 October
AS – Qualifications studied in Year 12.
This represents 50% of a full A Level
Most Students study the equivalent of 4 subjects at AS
Year 12 will take AS examinations in the summer.
A2 – Qualifications studied in Year 13
This is the other half of the AS but is more complex in
• All students study the equivalent of 3 subjects at A2
• Year 13 will take A2 examinations in the summer
• Some students choose to take on the EPQ as an
additional qualification – This is the equivalent UCAS
points to an AS
• Sixth form study is much more focussed and
rigorous than what students’ have experienced
• When we say the work is much harder….This is
exactly what it is
• Your son/daughter will not get by this year on
minimal study…they MUST put the work in
• Taught lessons are only part of your
son/daughters KS5 experience. We are trying to
prepare students for the next stage in their
education/career journey and therefore
developing high levels of independence and self
drive/motivation are essential to their success
• Around 75% of Yr12 attended the
‘Induction Day’ last July and have
therefore been taught to organise folders,
take effective notes in lessons to support
their own learning and consolidation.
• They were introduced to the preliminary
study tasks required to be completed over
the summer so that they were prepared for
the subjects chosen.
• The summer tasks were to keep them on track with
learning, but also to inform students’ of the absolute
minimum required to show their commitment to the
subjects they had chosen to study.
• Year 13 students were set holiday work which formed
part of the assessment focus for their subjects at A2
• As part of developing independence, all students’ have
developed their own Wildly Important Goal – WIG, and a
range of objectives have been set to meet their goal over
each term. This is being reviewed in one to one sessions
with tutors.
• We would encourage you to discuss your son/daughters
WIG so that you are aware of the objectives they have
set themselves and the progress they are making
towards this. You may well be able to support this at
Work Ethic?
• How much additional work is your
son/daughter putting in after school…at
• Are they meeting deadlines in all the
subjects they study for both assignments
and extended learning?
• They need to be doing more than last year
so that they keep ahead of their studies?
• These are questions I would encourage
you as parents to ask.
Reality Check!
• A Level study is HARD!
• Year 12 are a year group who have achieved the best
ever results at GCSE….So we know they can do it!!!
• The students currently in Year 13 are also a bright cohort
who achieved really well at GCSE/AS – around 45% of
this year group achieved their target grades in all of their
AS subjects.
• We also know from student feedback that they know
they should be doing more both at home AND at school!
Adopt this approach
Learning….Extended Learning…Additional
• The 999 approach means that students are
taught for 9 lessons, have extended learning for
9 hours and conduct further reading and
research for 9 hours at A2.
• We know that for students studying 4 subjects in
Year 12 this is really difficult…BUT they should
be able to complete a whole day at school and
then do a minimum of 3 hours study every
evening….This is an expectation…not a request.
Tough Love
• We have all heard this ‘saying’
• From a Sixth Form point of view….Students’
OWN STUDY Periods are for study. They are on
their timetables so that we can find them when
we need them…but also to help them plan their
• Over the next few weeks teachers will be
providing students with a breakdown of what
they need to be doing for each subject and what
is required from an assessment point of view
Tough Love
• Your son/daughter will need to use the
information provided by teachers to plan what
they are going to do in their OS periods so that
their time is used effectively to support their own
learning and develop good study habits.
• We are doing this for their own good and tutors
will be checking that they are working through
the information/tasks set by teachers in their one
to one sessions.
Final Thoughts…
• Where does your son/daughter want to be next summer
and in 2 years?
• Do you want them to be the student who has achieved
OR exceeded their target grades in all of their subjects?
• That’s what we want and hopefully what you want to!
• AS Level results ( minimum D grade)= Progression to
Year 13
• A2 Level results = UCAS points to progress to Uni or
access to management trainee programme and
apprenticeships or jobs