Transcript Slide 1

Lean Six Sigma Services
Business Plan
Updated 6 April 2012
Business Plan
• Purpose
• Detailed Description
– How will I provide the product or service
• Beliefs & Values; Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
• Organization & Board of Advisors
• Customers
– Customer Segmentation
• Services
• Differentiators
• Logo
Purpose of LSS Services, LLC
• Help clients reduce waste or variability.
• Prepare clients for PM or LSS certification.
Detailed Description
• Provide Lean Six Sigma Consulting Services.
Help clients reduce waste or variability
Leading LSS projects
Mentoring YB/GB/BB LSS or PMP projects/candidates
Facilitating Kaizens
Analyzing data
Instructing classes (PM, LSS, Time Management)
Beliefs & Values;
Code of Ethics; Code of Conduct
• Life is Not a Zero-Sum Game!!!
• Follow the 6 laws of absolute honesty:
Tell the Truth
Tackle the Problem
Disagree & Commit
Welcome Honesty
Reward the Messenger
Build a Platform of Integrity
• Listen Intently
• The good of the many outweigh the good of the one
• Deliver wins to clients first
Organization & Board of Advisors
• Consulting Services:
– Keith Schellenberger
• Web-master, 401(K) plan administrator:
– Tricia Schellenberger
• PMI REP (Project Management Institute
Registered Education Provider) contact:
– Terry Krauss
• Target
– CRO’s with PM’s
– companies new to LSS
– companies who need temporary help to get
over a hump
– Service organizations
– Healthcare companies
– companies reducing
– companies outsourcing
• Value Provided:
Turn business problems into solutions
Solve what keeps you up at night
Define problem
Reduce waste
Reduce variability
Project Management
Give tools & training to do it yourself
Deliver results
Do more with less
• Tools & Techniques used:
Lead LSS or PM Projects
Mentor LSS or PM Projects/Belts/Candidates
Facilitate Kaizens
Analyze Data
Instruct Classes
• Post training mentoring
• Teaching to fish
– Templates
• 90 day follow-through
• Templates & Tool Template
• Dolphins:
– Lean
• Streamlined
• Fast
• Efficient
Evolved 10M years ago: Consistent (6 sigma)
Work well in teams or by themselves
• Motto:
– Life is Not a Zero-Sum Game