Transcript Slide 1

Lean Six Sigma Services
Business Plan
20 March 2009
Business Plan
Detailed Description
Beliefs & Values; Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
Customer Segmentation
Competitive Analysis
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Plan
7 on 7 (email marketing campaign; publishing plan)
Generating media coverage
Getting customers to rave about me
• Logo
• Notes & Key Advice
• Summary
Purpose of LSS Services, LLC
• Help clients reduce waste or variability.
Detailed Description
• Provide Lean Six Sigma Consulting
Services. Help clients reduce waste or
variability through:
– Leading LSS projects
– Mentoring YB/GB/BB LSS projects/candidates
– Facilitating Kaizens
– Analyzing data
– Instructing LSS classes
Beliefs & Values;
Code of Ethics; Code of Conduct
• Follow the 6 laws of absolute honesty:
Tell the Truth
Tackle the Problem
Disagree & Commit
Welcome Honesty
Reward the Messenger
Build a Platform of Integrity
Life is not a zero-sum game
Listen Intently
The good of the many outweigh the good of the one
Deliver wins to clients first
• Target
Companies in my wheelhouse
companies reducing
companies outsourcing
companies new to LSS
companies needing temporary
Service organizations
Transactional process improvements
Government Organizations
Healthcare companies
• Value Provided:
Turn business problems into solutions
Solve what keeps you up at night
Define problem
Reduce waste
Reduce variability
Project Management
Give tools & training to do it yourself
Deliver results
Do more with less
• Tools & Techniques used:
Lead LSS Projects
Mentor LSS Projects/Belts
Facilitate Kaizens
Analyze Data
Instruct Classes
Competition & Competitive Analysis
• Anecdotal benchmarking indicates
successful companies:
– Partner with other firms
– Leverage existing relationships
• Specialties
• Post training mentoring
• Teaching to fish
– Templates
– Cheat Sheets
• 90 day follow-through
• Guaranteed Pricing
• I Deliver.
– I reduce waste & variability.
– I specialize in transactional business.
– I am a superstar at:
Leading projects
Facilitating Kaizens
Analyzing Data
Market Strategy
• Partner
• Leverage existing relationships
Marketing Plan
• Get customers to rave about me
• Partner with other firms
• 7 on 7 plan
– Linked In
– Organizations
Web with SEO & references
Press Releases (p129 Streetwise Independent Consulting)
• White papers
– Direct Mail (p113 Streetwise Independent Consulting): who & when to
send: sales letter {w/ letterhead, addressee, attention grabber, benefits,
testimonial, highlight key phrases, call to action, postscript}, mail piece,
business reply card, No 10 business envelope – make it easy to respond
– Email Marketing Campaign
• Generate media coverage
• Training firms
• JUMP; Minitab
• Dolphins:
– Lean
• Streamlined
• Fast
• Efficient
Evolved 10M years ago: Consistent (6 sigma)
Work well in teams or by themselves
Include on letterheads, business cards, matching
envelopes, four-color brochures, and sales collateral
material. Be consistent in color, font, size, design.
Notes & Key Advice
Be Persistent
Focus on Client’s need
Determine my Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Project a Professional Image
Always work on 7 on 7
Everyday do 5 things to expand my business
Focus on Results
Get Testimonials
Provide More Value Than Expected
Ask if I can include client’s name on referral list
Do what’s needed to stay in touch: personal contacts
& referrals are best source of leads
• Strategy Overview: Deliver. Partner.
• Strategy Logic: Closing based on
relationships & follow-up
• Business Development: Partner.
• Organization: Keith & Tricia
• Business Organization: Home based LLC