Transcript EUROCHIP 2
EUROCHIP 2 progress report
Ireland June 2006
Coordinators (3) Steering Group (19) Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital
Harry Comber, National Cancer Registry Emer Feely, Health Services Executive Davida De La Harpe, Health Services Executive
National Steering Committee
Mr. Gerry Coffey, Cancer Policy Unit, Department of Health and Children Ms. Tracey Conroy, Cancer Policy Unit, Department of Health and Children Dr Tony Holohan, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health and Children Mr. John O’Brien, National Director, National Hospitals Office, Health Services Executive Mr. Aidan Browne, Director of Primary, Community and Continuing Care Services, Health Services Executive Dr. Davida De La Harpe, Assistant National Director, Population Health, Health Services Executive Dr. Emer Feely, Specialist in Public Health Medicine, Health Services Executive Dr. Harry Comber, National Cancer Registry Ms. Eileen Furlong, Irish Association for Nurses in Oncology Professor Des Carney, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Mater Hospital Dr. Rajnish K Gupta, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Limerick Regional Hospital Dr. James Hayes, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Cavan General Hospital Professor Donal Hollywood, Regional Director of Cancer Services, St Luke's Hospital Mr. John Hyland, Regional Director of Cancer Services, St Vincent's Hospital Mr. Oliver McAnena, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Galway Mr. Kevin Moran, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Letterkenny General Hospital Professor Paul Redmond, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Cork University Hospital Professor John Reynolds, Regional Director of Cancer Services, St James's Hospital Mr. Gordon Watson, Regional Director of Cancer Services, Waterford Regional Hospital
Steering Group meeting January 2006 Indicators considered
Breast cancer screening coverage Cervical cancer screening coverage Interval between diagnosis and treatment Compliance with guidelines
Indicators chosen
Interval between diagnosis and treatment Compliance with guidelines.
Issues for Steering Committee
Interval between diagnosis and treatment difficulty in defining “date of diagnosis” especially in primary care availability of “date of referral” Compliance with guidelines how representative are the cancers chosen?
what degree of agreement is there nationally on “best practice”?
Actions agreed
Pilot studies using the EUROCHIP protocol to be carried out in: St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin St James’s Hospital, Dublin Mater Hospital, Dublin University College Hospital Galway Regional Hospital, Limerick Cork University Hospital St Luke’s Hospital Waterford Regional Hospital Galway Limerick Dublin Waterford Cork
Action plan
Circulate draft protocol for comment and information to all cancer centres Circulate final protocol to participating sites Each site to decide on method of data collection—either by National Cancer Registry or local researcher inform NCR of decision on resources needed, if any collect information on availability of data for 30 cases identified by NCR
Researcher appointed by NCR to liaise with hospitals and/or to collect data Most hospitals have indicated their preferences with regard to method of data collection Data acquisition will begin following final agreement on protocol Planned finish—December 2006