Transcript Document

What’s Ahead for the
Village Movement?
Andrew Scharlach, PhD
Center for the Advanced Studies of Aging Services
School of Social Welfare
University of California, Berkeley
April 26, 2011
Potential Impacts of the Village Model
Service Access
Unmet needs
Ability to access needed services
Cost of services
Social engagement
Social support
Individual functioning
Physical and psychosocial well-being
Likelihood of relocation
Service delivery system
Availability, accessibility, affordability, appropriateness
The Importance of Evaluation
Makes it easier for new Villages to replicate the model
For funding and government grants
Know what services others provide
Find out what works
Setting membership fees
Most grants require some previous program evaluation
For public funding
Potential for funding from OAA, Medicaid, CLASS Act, or LTC
insurance, if we can show that Village membership improves
well-being and/or prevents higher cost care
Organizational Issues
Program Implementation
Services offered and used
Member characteristics vs. target population
Direct and indirect benefits
Resource mix
Organizational development
Facilitative organizational characteristics
Challenges for the Future
Community integration
UC Berkeley Villages Project
Evaluation of individual Villages
National survey of Village organizations
Service use
Member satisfaction
Member outcomes
Factors associated with sustainability and effectiveness
Longitudinal study of Village members
Impact of the Village model
Thank You!
Andrew Scharlach, PHD
Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services
[email protected]
510 642-3285