ADHD & Child-Centered PT

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Transcript ADHD & Child-Centered PT

ADHD & Disruptive Disorders,
Child-Centered Play Therapy
9. Understanding their SocialCognitive Process and Biology
Attributions in depression
Interpretation Biases
Intrusive Thoughts
Cognitive and behavioral avoidance
Deficient self-regulation
Interpersonal interactions and relationships:
Self-verification theory and vulnerability to
10. Play Therapy Tips
1. Tough about rules, but always calm and
2. Modifying therapy strategies and materials
3. Tailors therapy strategies
4. Mixes high and low interest tasks
5. Knows to back off when frustration peaks
6. Speaks clearly in brief
7. Looks straight in the eye when
11. Play Therapy Tips
8. Has a very predictable and organized
9. Immediate and consistent feedback
10. Controls the playroom
11. Private signal system
12. Close physical proximity
13. Ignores minor disruption
14. Offer Choice between two activities
12. Ideal Play Therapist for ADHD
• Maintains interest in the child
• Willing to consult with parents frequently
• Has a great sense of humor
13. Should Effective with your
Have them succeed
Build self-esteem
Teach on-task behavior
Teach self-control
Channel aggression of anger through play
Practice patience
Learn problem-solving
14. Techniques Examples
• Communication: Incomplete Sentence, Feeling
Word Game, Mutual Storytelling Techniques, Network
News, Garbage Bag Technique
• Emotional Regulation & Cognitive Behavior
Therapy: Catharsis (White Board Targets, Feeling
Word Charts), Relaxation/Stress Management (Bubble
Blowing, Meditation, Board Game), Modifying Attribution
Bias, Behavior Contract, Cognitive Restructuring, Selfmanagement, Self-Instruction, Brain Stimulation
• Ego-Boosting: Self-control (Beat the Clock,
Operation, Rebound), Impulsivity (Stop-Relax-Think,
Pick-up Sticks, Board Games)
15. Typical Activity
Read Good Behavior Book to Child
Do Feeling Word Game
Beat the Clock Game
Garbage Bag Technique
Self-control game to Close session
Making Choice out of Two Options
16. Program Example
17. Understanding their
Challenges in CD & ODD
Juvenile Delinquency
Acting-out & Externalizing
Antisocial & Noncompliant
Substance abuse
Suicide temptation
18. Play Therapy Tips for CD & ODD
1. Dietary consideration
2. Cognitive Therapy to be aware of ‘Self’
3. Positive Self-Image and Behavioral
Management for the Self-Value
4. Socially Acceptable Ways for Stress
5. Self-Feedback
19. Techniques Examples for CD &
• Traditional one-to-one therapy or counseling for
cognitive/behavioral/emotional adjustment
• Behavior Management such as Behavior Contract,
Cognitive Restructuring, Self-management, SelfInstruction, Art Expression, Self-Instruction, Stress
• Biofeedback/neural therapy/attention (EEG)
• Sensory integration training
• Dietary supplements