Transcript Slide 1

Comparison of Service
UCLL (Sub-loop UCLL)/ UCLL Backhaul/ Subloop UCLL Backhaul
A service (and its associated functions, including the associated functions of Telecom’s
operational support systems) that
UCLL/Sub-loop MPF
UCLL Backhaul
Sub-loop Backhaul
Enables access to, and
interconnection with,
Telecom’s copper local loop
provides transmission
capacity in Telecom’s
network (whether the
transmission capacity is
copper, fibre or anything else)
between the handover point
in Telecom’s local telephone
exchange (or equivalent
facility) and the access
seeker’s nearest available
point of interconnection, for
the purposes of providing
access to, and
interconnection with,
Telecom’s unbundled copper
local loop network
provides transmission
capacity in Telecom’s
network (whether the
transmission capacity is
copper, fibre or anything else)
between the handover point
in Telecom’s distribution
cabinet (or equivalent facility)
and the handover point in
Telecom’s local exchange (or
equivalent facility), for the
purposes of providing access
to, and interconnection with,
Telecom’s unbundled copper
local loop network
(including any relevant line in
the exchange or distribution
(including any necessary
supporting equipment).
(including any necessary
supporting equipment).