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India Post Colonial History

By: Christopher Collins

India as a colony

• • • From the 16th Century, European Powers such as Portugal, Netherlands, France and the UK used India as a trading post.

British East India Company By 1857, India is under direct rule of Great Britain.

Fight for Independence !

In the 20th Century, Mahatma Gandhi led a non-cooperation(non violent) movement.


● Gained Independence on August 15, 1947 ● First Prime Minister: Jawaharlal Nehru ● Nehru was the Prime Minister until he succeeded at his death on May 27,1964

● Shortly after independence the partition of India and Pakistan came about ● Many bloody riots and civil unrest between the Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims. Everyone had a side to choose: India or Pakistan ● The partition remains the single largest migration of people in modern history ● Estimated 14-17 million people crossed the border of India and Pakistan

Continued Fighting

● In 1962, India was in a border war with China. Fighting over Ladakh and some northeast states ● Nehru’s Death in 1964 ● After Nehru’s death Lal Bahadur Shastri took office.

● By 1965, India was in war with Pakistan over Kashmir

Next In Line

● After 20 months of service Shastri died in office leaving the job to Nehru’s daughter.

● Indira Gandhi became the prime minister in 1966.

● Second woman to be appointed to run a democratic country

India the 70s,80s,90s

● Indira Gandhi helps a recovering India ● By 1980 Bollywood is making more films than the US ● In 1983, India wins Cricket World Cup ● 1997, India celebrates 50th year of independence ● By 1998, India is a Nuclear Power

Modern India

● Recent rapid economic growth ● Exports of goods are double the exports of services ● In 2013, the Indian stock market hit a record high ● India has one of the largest growing middle classes


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