Social Networking - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of

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Transcript Social Networking - USC Dana and David Dornsife College of

Social Networking
April 9, 2013
Develop a Personal Brand
Develop a Personal Brand
4 Ps of Self-Branding
1. Place: Recognize your niche. Find a sphere of
influence and stick to it.
 Don’t spread yourself too thin for too long.
2. Product: Be consistent and recognizable. Build a brand
around your core strengths, skills, and experience.
3. Promotion: Communicate your brand.
4. Price: Know your value. Investigate what others are
making in your discipline/industry and be resolute.
How to Create a Killer Personal Branding Campaign. Mashable, October 6, 2012
Place: What/Where do you want?
 What kind of work interests you?
 Psychology is an inherently interdisciplinary discipline.
 Psychologists are highly valued in other industries.
 Reach out to people in all areas that interest you!
 Pay the most attention to desirable positions!
 Applying to academic and non-academic positions
simultaneously is difficult. Allocate your time wisely.
 Do not be scared of the non-academic job search!
 Most non-academic job searches are location-based*.
“Product”: Describe it, Know it.
• Who are you?
• Briefly describe your work.
• What research questions do
you seek to answer?
• Incorporate essential
buzzwords/key terms.
• Know your elevator pitch!
• Share personal info and skills
(e.g., travel, hobbies).
Write a self abstract!
“Product”: Describe it, Know it.
“I am trained in quantitative and
qualitative survey methods and
data analysis, as well as video
and interactive media
production. This unique skill set
equips me to translate research
into entertaining, effective
content and marketing strategies
that affect consumers and
increase brand identity.”
Promotion: Be Accessible
Promotion: Be Accessible
 Be Professional
 Be Personal
Use Common Sense…
and Privacy Settings!
Promotion: Social Networks
Promotion: Social Networks
• Mine your Social Networks
for Social Capital!
• Social Networking Sites ensure
<6 Degrees of separation.
• Individuals are the most
credible persuasion source.
• Don’t wait for an application;
start conversations early!
• Arrange casual chats, virtual or
in real life (IRL).
• Be direct, but not pushy.
• Follow-up if necessary.
Always be prepared!
Price: What are you worth?
 Consider (financial and social) cost of living
 Negotiating a salary is hard!
 Differences among Women & Minority/Stigmatized Groups
 Focus on your target salary:
You don’t get what you don’t ask for!
 Consider your words and requests carefully
 Research salaries of comparable positions, industries,
universities, and education/skills.
The most important thing to remember…
Smile and Be Yourself!