Geomage Presentation

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Transcript Geomage Presentation

July 17, 2015
Together – the sky is the limit
• Russia – enormous intellectual property resources
• Israel – experience “from idea to company”
• Entrepreneur spirit – mutual understanding
Geomage – example of success
• Founded by mixed team
• Based on ideas of former Russian scientists
• Frame of Incentive Technological Incubator
• Grown-up in cooperation with Russian companies
The Team
• 25 employees worldwide
• 2 professors, 9 PhDs, top-notch programmers
• Nathan Scharff, Co-Founder and CEO
Top IDF technology intelligence unit, Cyota, Amdocs
• Emil Guberman, Co-Founder and President
Compassware, Deltathree, Elonet (Slangsoft), Banter
• Alexander Berkovich, PhD., Co-Founder and CTO
GoodEye, InnoVU, Paradigm Geophysical
• Tamir Tal, COO/CFO
Bezeq International, Shiboleth LLP, Neovasc Medical Ltd.
Conventional Processing
Geomage MultiFocusing© Processing
Northwestern Russia : Complicated tectonics: Fold 6
Geomage’s Advantages
• New generation of seismic data processing
• Provide high degree of precision
• Unprecedented results
• Providing the best quality, while saving lots of money
Target Market over $3 Billion
Accessing and competing giants
• They are slow …
• They are suspicious …
• Geomage comes from “No Oil & Gas” country
• Energy centers Moscow, Houston, London, Calgary …
• The decision – Russian market
How to get there – partners!
And more …
Unique Technology
Accepted by Oil Majors
R&D - Breakthrough
From 40% barrier to 80%
Geomage MultiFocusing Reservoir Characterization
Feasibility (Q4/2007)
Internal version (2008)
• Invest in opportunity
• Invest in success
• Invest in cooperation
See you in Russia!
До встречи в России!
See you in Israel!
До встречи в Израиле!
Thank You !