Housing Element Update 2009

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Housing Element Update 2009
• Update of the 2001 Berkeley Housing
Element for the:
– 2009-2014 Planning Period
– 2007-2014 Regional Housing Needs
Assessment (RHNA) period
• Reviewed and certified by State
Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD), due June 30, 2009
The Housing Element
• Required element of the General Plan
• Updated generally every five years
• Establishes the City’s policy strategy to meet
regional housing need at various income
• Statewide housing goal: to encourage
attainment of “decent housing and suitable
living environment” for all Californians
Housing Element Components
1. Population and demographic trends:
– Population growth, employment trends
– Age, race and ethnicity
2. Household & housing stock
– Household size and composition,
overcrowding; households by tenure (rent
vs. own)
– Housing unit composition and condition:
single vs. multifamily units, unit production
– Affordability and overpayment
HE Components, cont.
3. Assessment of below-market units
at-risk of converting to market rate
4. Address special needs housing:
Homeless, elderly, disabled, mentally ill,
large families, single parent families
5. Review effectiveness of past element
6. Analyze and address constraints on
housing development
HE Components, cont.
7. Inventory of available sites for
housing development
8. Analysis of site capacity and
identification of capacity to
accommodate all income levels
9. Programs to address housing need and
encourage affordable housing
New Legislation & Statutory
• Homeless shelters, transitional and
supportive housing
• Identify needs of extremely low-income
households (< 30% of AMI)
• Significantly more detailed sites
Housing Element Process
• Research and analysis
• Public participation
– Outreach, public workshops, PC meetings,
stakeholder input
• Drafting of the Housing Element
– Incorporate/respond to public input
• Environmental review
Major tasks and schedule:
• HE topics will be generally on the second PC
meeting of the month through spring 2009
• PC Reports / HE chapters on:
– Background information (population, household
trends, housing unit trends)
– RHNA and site inventory analysis
– Constraints and mitigation
– Objectives, policies and programs
& quantified objectives
• Public workshops in early 2009 & spring 2009