Transcript Document

CGIAR Research Program
on Grain Legumes
Integrating Gender Research: Some ideas
Esther Njuguna-Mungai
The Gender Requirement…
 Gender integration is a requirement of most, if not all, donor
agencies currently
 Increasing need to show ‘realized value’ for the vulnerable
members of society/target communities, mostly identified as
women, children,.. , youth
 Most organizations, projects designing the ‘gender strategy’;
Nations adopting ‘Gender Policy’…
 There is an urgent need for ‘methodological’ development to
support the need for research in gender
What is not gender research and
 Scientists ambushed by the ‘gender requirement’?
1. Women in meetings, teams (numbers, exploitative?)
The ‘gendered’ anecdotal evidence….
Comparison of women headed and male headed
4. The ‘gender paragraph’ syndrome…
 Necessary but not sufficient…….
What is gender research and analysis?
 Women’s and men’s concerns are integral to the design of
 How a program implementation affects norms as well as
gender relations; or how norms and gender relations affect a
 How would a program implementation strategy change to
accommodate the issues in bullet 2 above
 Data collection, monitoring and evaluation that keeps
tracking the men’s and women’s responses to the
implementation of the program
 Transformative approach….
Gender in the CGIAR system…
 11 Common Intermediate Development Outcomes (IDO)
 5th IDO is on ‘Gender and empowerment’
 Meeting in Cali in May for the gender coordinators to
suggest indicators for the IDO
1. Women’s control over resources relative to the men
2. Women’s participation in decision making relative to the
Expectations for all CRPs to show their contribution to the
common IDO
CRP is tracking gender data that is relevant for contribution
to the common gender IDO.
Status of Gender Research in CRP-GL
 We have a gender strategy
 We have a gender specialist
 We have a gender budget
 We have ‘gender studies’ in some of the research activities,
implemented to different levels of satisfaction….
 Can we give data on ‘gender and empowerment IDO’
when reporting to the CO?....
What we can we do as a team…
 Formulate/re-formulate ‘gender research questions’ …
Allocate resources to implement ‘gender research’ in all the
research activities
 Minimum standards in collection of sex disaggregated data in
household survey
 Strategic research
1. Strategic gender research questions
2. Strategic research questions where gender is integrated
Gender integration in the KARI McGill Food
Security Research Project
Specific studies focusing on gender issues
• Gendered objectives
• Gender strategy
• Orphan crops and
indigenous chicken:
Women’s enterprises
• 2/3 gender balance in
farmer groups and project
• Gender disaggregated
• Training and farmer-tofarmer learning
• Monitoring and evaluation
of impacts
Women’s access to land, customary rights vs.
constitutional rights (PhD Study)
Case studies on women’s empowerment through
the indigenous chicken enterprise (gender stream)
Women’s management of informal pearl millets
seed systems from generation to generation (PhD
Informal and formal financial habits of women in
smallholder households (MSc Study)
Women’s and children’s nutrition security among
households in Semi Arid Kenya (Nutrition stream)
Minimum standards in collection of sex
disaggregated data in household survey
How does the income composition of rural households influence
preferences for, and adoption of, new agricultural technologies for
smallholder farms? Interview a household…
Defining the unit of the analysis for the study to be the ‘individual
decision makers’ (man, woman in the household);
 understanding the individual choices, preferences and decisions for
the man and the woman requires that you interview the individual
man and woman in a household.
 Understand what happens when the ‘preferences are matched,
preferences are not matched’ between the man and the woman in
the household, how the choice is then negotiated, who carries the
day in technology choice/adoption (power shifts)
 What are the factors that would cause the outcomes to go in one
direction or the other (income, education, social networks)…
Strategic gender research questions
The gender and agriculture network has designed a study:
‘a global study on gender norms, agency and innovations in
agriculture and Natural Resources Management’
Cascading it to Grain legumes
‘a global study on gender, norms, agency in management of
grain legume seeds in the SAT’
 Gender may have been a donor requirement, but there are a
lot of concrete food security and development outcome gains
that arise from our incorporating gender questions and
focus in our work
 Lets keep asking the ‘who question’…..each research project is
 Gender research is still evolving, and its implementation is a
continuous negotiation…each project activity taking a unique
 Gender implementation strategies for research activities with
support from the gender coordinator