Transcript Slide 1

Ray Boshara
Senior Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
November 2011
Families improve their financial stability through broadbased economic growth, higher net household incomes
and, especially, stronger balance sheets.
Financially stable families face less economic risk and
more economic mobility within and across generations.
Financially healthy families spend, save, and invest more,
and thus contribute to economic growth.
“Our overall economic stability relies ultimately on the
collective financial health of all American households.”
- Fed Governor Raskin, June 2011
Continued slow growth and persistent
unemployment, reflecting a deeper question: “What
replaces the American consumer as the engine of
economic growth?”
Financial insecurity severe among the poor and
non-whites, and growing well into middle class.
Dodd-Frank, the Presidential campaign, mounting
budget deficits, and rapid changes in the landscape
of financial services.
Looking back, we have seen the damage to families,
communities and the broader economy when we, as a
nation, were not sufficiently attuned to the balance
sheets issues affecting American households:
Wealth-depleting financial services
Low levels of savings
High levels and risky types of consumer and mortgage debt
Household assets not diversified beyond housing
Weak balance sheets contributed significantly to the
financial crisis and economic downturn of the last few
 65% of the 6.2 million jobs lost between March 2007-March
2009 are due to household “deleveraging”—families needing to
reduce their debts and rebuild their savings (Mian and Sufi,
Weak balance sheets remain at the core of our economic downturn:
“Today, the headline problems are sovereigns in most advanced nations, banks in Europe, and
households in the U.S…the fundamental problem is that weak growth and weak balance sheets – of
governments, financial institutions, and households – are feeding negatively upon one another.”
-Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, IMF, August 2011
“Addressing over-indebtedness, private as well as public, is the key to building a solid foundation
for high, balanced real growth and a stable financial system. That means driving up private saving
and taking substantial action now to reduce deficits in the countries that were at the core of the
- Bank for International Settlements, June 2011
While balance sheets have improved somewhat in the last couple of
years, the financial health of American households remains weak:
Three-fifths or more of families across all income groups, according to the 2009 Survey of
Consumer Finances (SCF) of the Federal Reserve, reported a decline in wealth between 2007 and
2009, and the typical household lost nearly one-fifth of its wealth, regardless of income group.
The Pew Research Center finds that, in 2009, typical net worth stood at $5,677 for blacks, $6,325
for Hispanics, and $113,149 for whites. About a third of black and Hispanic households had zero
or negative net worth that year, compared with 15% of white households.
Almost half of all households surveyed in the 2009 Survey of Consumer Finances had less than
$3,000 in liquid savings, and 20% had less than $3,000 in broader savings. Nearly half of all
Americans consider themselves financially fragile, reporting that they are “certainly” or “probably”
unable to come up with $2,000 from any source in 30 days (Lusardi, Schneider, and Tufano, 2011).
Families with strong balance sheets, especially assets, are more
economically secure and upwardly mobile, and experience better
social, educational, health, child and other outcomes.
Families with healthy balance sheets spend, save and invest more,
and thus contribute to economic growth.
We will proactively research and help rebuild household balance
sheets, in four ways:
1. As a conceptual framework, adding coherence and power to
existing and future research and analysis.
2. As a barometer of the financial health of struggling families and
communities, which now includes the middle class.
3. As a way to develop, not just protect, families.
4. As more conspicuous contributors to economic growth, better
connecting the health of communities to the health of the
broader economy.
The household debt-to-income and household debt-to-assets ratios
reached their highest points since 1950, with the debt-to-income ratio
skyrocketing from 2001 to 2007 by more than it had in the prior 45 years.
From 2001-2007, household debt doubled from $7 trillion to $14 trillion
(Mian and Sufi, 2011) .
Roughly three-quarters of total debt is mortgage debt, and nearly onequarter of homeowners have negative equity.
Consumer debt has become one of the most common shared qualities of
middle-class America—usurping the fraction of the population that owns
their home, is married, has graduated from college, or attends church
regularly (Porter, 2011).
If incomes rise enough, households can build up their savings, reduce their
debts and continue to consume. Deleveraging absent income growth is
harmful to the economy: every percentage point increase in the savings rate
reduces consumer spending by more than $100 billion (The McKinsey
Quarterly, March 2009).
Household debt as a percentage of
disposable income
1970s average
65 %
1980s average
70 %
1990s average
85 %
2000s average
114 %
127 %
116 %
1990s average - mid 80s
Source: Federal Reserve, Bureau of Economic Analysis; New America
Improve access to wealth-building financial
Generate savings, especially unrestricted savings
and savings that lead to productive assets.
Reduce consumer and mortgage debts.
Use savings and “good” debt to secure a diversity
of assets.
Consider a family’s entire balance sheet.
Everyone, regardless of income, can save if they have access to a structured
savings opportunity.
Unrestricted, emergency and precautionary savings matter more than we
Match caps, in contrast to match rates, matter more in predicting savings. But
matching deposits help families accumulate assets faster, and are equitable in
light of asset subsidies for the non-poor.
Many “asset effects” were stronger than we anticipated. Even small amounts of
assets, and sometimes simple account ownership, can generate large asset
Financial education matters, but defaults and automatic features may matter
more. Also, financial capability may be the result, instead of the source, of
regular saving.
Some of our largest success, in terms of generating large amounts of new savings
by LMI families, required no new government funding.
Asset building is still the right idea, even after the financial crisis and economic
Dalton (2009) finds that while race,
income, job status and net worth all
tend to vary hand-in-hand, careful
statistical parsing shows that it is really
net worth that drives opportunity for
the next generation.
Cooper and Luengo-Prado (2009) found
that among adults who were in the
bottom income quartile from 1984–
1989, 34 percent left the bottom by
2003-2005 if their initial savings were
low, compared with 55 percent who left
the bottom if their initial savings were
high—that is, 21 percent more adults
moved out of the bottom quartile
because they had higher savings.
Butler, Beach, and Winfree (2008) found
that financial capital, along with family
structure and educational attainment,
are the three strongest predictors of
economic mobility in America.
Cooper and Luengo-Prado (2009) found
that children of low-saving, low-income
parents are significantly less likely to be
upwardly mobile than children of highsaving, low-income parents.
Elliot and Beverly (2010) discovered
that, remarkably, youth with any kind of
a bank account, as long as the account
was in the youth’s name, are seven
times more likely to attend college than
those lacking accounts.
Shapiro (2004), combining data analysis
and in-person interviews with a
demographically wide range of families,
found that the presence of even small
amounts of wealth at the right times
can have a “transformative” effect on
the life course.
Tackle mortgage debt, and consider paths to
responsible homeownership
Generate unrestricted savings
Leverage key moments in the life-course
Leverage technology and behavioral economics
Build assets as early in life as possible