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Leadership Training

Public Speaking Is An Essential Skill

Who needs effective public speaking skills in the church?

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Pastors Elders

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Deacons Sunday School Superintendents, Teachers Brotherhood, Women and Youth Department Leaders and Teachers Choir Directors, Usher Boards, Hospitality

Effective Public Speaking is Important


The speaker must use positive body language to convey his/her message.

The listener must hear and understand what is being said.

Having a Positive Self Image

I’m happy to be here! I’m going to do great”

Become Confident By Playing the Role

Project Confidence

Good Posture

High energy

Eye contact


Physical appearance

Positive attitude

Calm Yourself Through Proper Breathing

There are little techniques you can begin doing right away that will help you be more at ease in front of people and better able to speak publicly when the need arises.

Seek Opportunities to Practice

As with anything else, such as learning to ride a horse or a bicycle, the same is true with public speaking. To learn how to reduce anxiety and become an effective speaker, you are going to have to practice.

Get Yourself Ready

Know your material

Settle down

Physically prepare

Check your appearance

Concentrate on your audience’s needs

Proper Use of Gestures and Showing Emotion

Move around and do not try to hide



Eye contact

Use Emotion

Break down “the wall” 

Engage your audience and keep them Involved.

Make it clear from the outset that you and the audience are all in this together.

Maximize the Quality of Your Voice 





Vocal variety

Proper use of the English language

Accents and Dialects

Adding Humor where appropriate

Identify and Avoid Bad Habits 

“ Ums, Ahs and Amens”


Hands in pocket

Rubbing and wringing hands



Looking off into space

Identify and Avoid Bad Habits 

Draping yourself over the lectern

Turning away from the audience

You know what I mean

Pushing glasses up on nose

Playing with pen

Excessive blinking

Checking your watch

Constant throat clearing

Don’t let anything get in the way of your presentation, including YOU.

Organize Your Information 

The opening – capture your audience

The transition – smoothly moving into the body of your speech

The body – main thought, key points and supporting information

Concluding remarks

Questions and answers

Effective Public Speaking 

Make Efficient Notes

Avoid Reading Presentation Verbatim

Knowing When to Stop

Plan Appropriate Audio Visual Aids

Rules for using visual aids to have a successful presentation

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Overhead Projectors Using Flip Charts and Posters Videotapes Audio Tapes Books and Handouts

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Proper use of the Microphones If you are going to move around use a clip on.

Speak clearly into the microphone.

Keep proper distance for microphone approximately six inches.

Repeat questions for audience into the microphone.


Student Practical Exercises:

Break up into groups of five.

Brainstorm about a task you perform that requires steps (ingredients for a recipe, repairs, directions, etc.).

Write each step for someone that has no idea how to perform these tasks.

Write down a list of items or props that will help you convey your information.

Present the information to your group.