Transcript THE FUTURE

Introduction to the Future
We know about things in the present and in the past
because they are already real. But talking about the
future is more of a problem. There is no single form
in English that we can always use for the future.
There are many different ways of talking about the
future, depending on how we see a future event. It
may be something that is fairly sure to happen, but
on the other hand it may be just a plan or an
intention, or it may be something that you think will
happen but you can't be sure about. (From Oxford
Practice Grammar)
Verb forms used for the future
• Be going to > 24 I'm going to spend six weeks in the US.
(an intention)
• Will > 23 A I'll be free for most of the summer, (neutral
• Present continuous > 26A I'm starting work in September,
(an arrangement)
• Present simple > 26B She finishes college at the same time, (a
• Will be doing > 28 I'll be leaving in June, (in the course of
• Very often there is more than one possible form that could be used.
• She'll finish college in June. She finishes college in June.
• She's finishing college in June. She'll be finishing college
in June.
Present tenses (I do / I am doing)
Going to
Will/shall (Future Simple)
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Present Tenses for the Future(Sadašnja vremena
sa značenjem budućeg)
• Oba sadašnja vremena (Present Simple i Present
Continuous) mogu imati značenje budućeg:
This is Ben’s diary for next week:
• He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon.
• He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning.
• He is having dinner with Kate on Friday.
• Ovde je P.C. upotrebljen sa značenjem unapred
dogovorene aktivnosti u budućnosti.
P.Continuous with a future meaning
• I’m doing something (tomorrow) = I have
already decided and arranged to do this.
• I’m not working tomorrow, so we can go out
• Ian isn’t playing football next Saturday. He’s
hurt his leg.
• U srpskom jeziku prezent se takođe može
upotrebiti na ovaj način:
• Sutra ne radim, u utorak idem kod zubara, itd.
P.Simple with a future meaning
• Kada govorimo o utvrđenom rasporedu,
programu, redu vožnje, itd. dakle o planu koji je
napravio neko drugi, koristimo Present Simple:
• My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the
station by 11.15.
• What time does the film begin this evening?
• Tomorrow is Wednesday.
• Present
Continuous: za lične
planove i dogovore
• What time are you
arriving tomorrow?
• I’m going to the
cinema this evening.
• Present Simple: za
raspored, program,
red vožnje
• What time does the
train arrive tomorrow?
• The film begins at 9
this evening.
• Say if the second sentence is about the present or
the future. Look at the phrases of time such as at the
moment and on Friday.
• ► I'm busy. I'm cooking a meal at the moment.
• 1 I'm nervous. I'm cooking for ten people on Friday.
• 2 I don't want to go out. I might watch a video later.
• 3 There's football on TV tonight. I might watch it.
• 4 We're off at last. We arrive in New York at seven.
• 5 This train is never on time. We always arrive late.
Going to (do)
• I am going to do something = I have already
decided to do it, I intend to do it.
• A: Are you going to watch the late film on TV
• B: No, I’m going to have an early night.
• I’m just going to make a quick phone call. Can
you wait for me?
• This cheese looks horrible. I’m not going to eat
• 1. Going to označava unapred donetu odluku,
nameru da se nešto učini u budućnosti.
• NE prevodi se kao “idem”, već kao buduće
• I’m going to watch the film = Gledaću film, ili
Hoću da gledam film, koje izražava nameru.
I am doing and I am going to do
Present Continuous
Going to
 Koristimo kao buduće vreme
kad govorimo o nekom
dogovoru, planu:
 What time are you meeting
Anne this evening? (to je
 I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ve got
my plane ticket. (isplanirano)
 Koristimo kao buduće vreme
kad govorimo o nekoj odluci,
 “Your shoes are dirty.” “Yes, I
know. I’m going to clean
them.” (to je namera)
 I’ve decided not to stay here
any longer. Tomorrow I’m
going to look for somewhere
else to stay. (odluka)
• Često je razlika između ova dva načina
izražavanja budućnosti vrlo mala, pa su moguće
obe varijante (zavisi od konteksta, tj. da li želimo
da izrazimo postojanje plana ili namere):
• I’m leaving tomorrow.
• I’m going to leave tomorrow.
“Something is going to happen”
• 2. Going to takođe koristimo kada na osnovu
situacije u sadašnjosti tvrdimo da će se nešto
dogoditi u budućnosti:
• The man can’t see the wall in front of him. He’s
going to walk into the wall.
• Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.
• I feel terrible. I think I’m going to be sick.
“I was going to...”
• I was going to (do something) = I intended to do
it, but didn’t do it
• Može se koristiti i u prošlom vremenu da označi
nešto što smo nameravali, ali na kraju nismo
• We were going to travel by train, but then we
decided to go by car instead.
• Ili nešto što smo mislili da će se dogoditi, ali
• I thought it was going to rain, but it didn’t.
Potvrdni oblik
Upitni oblik
Odrični oblik
I shall/will go
Shall/will I go?
I shall not (shan’t)/
will not (won’t) go
You will go
Will you go?
You won’t go
He/she/it will go
Will he/she/it go?
He/she/it won’t go
We shall/will go
Shall/will we go?
We shan’t/won’t go
They will go
Will they go?
They won’t go
 Will/shall + infinitiv glavnog glagola naziva se
Future Simple Tense (obično buduće vreme)
 Shall se po pravilu koristi samo u prvom licu jednine
i množine. Međutim, u govornom jeziku i shall i will
skraćuju se samo na ‘ll:
 I shall go = I’ll go
 He will go = He’ll go
 Zbog toga se shall malo koristi, obično u pisanom ili
formalnom jeziku.
 Shall + not = shan’t
 Will + not = won’t
• 1. za odluku donetu u trenutku govora:
• Oh, I’ve left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
• “What would you like to drink?” “I’ll have an
orange juice, please.”
• “Did you phone Lucy?” “Oh, no, I forgot. I’ll
phone her now.”
• Često se koristi sa I think /I don’t think:
• I feel a bit hungry. I think I’ll have something to
• I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. I’m a bit tired.
• Za nešto što je već isplanirano ili odlučeno NE
koristimo will, već Present C. ili going to:
• I’m leaving for Spain next Saturday. (ne I’ll
• He has decided he’s going to look for another
flat tomorrow. (ne He’ll look).
 2. Will se koristi u sledećim situacijama:
 Offering to do something (Ponuditi se da se nešto
 That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
 Agreeing to do something (Složiti se)
 A: Can you give Tim this book?
 B: Sure, I’ll give it to him when I see him this afternoon.
 Promising to do something (Obećati nešto)
 I won’t tell anyone what happened, I promise.
 Asking somebody to do something (Zamoliti nekog
 Will you please turn the music down?
Won’t ima značenje “neće”:
I’ve tried to give her advice, but she won’t listen.
Shall I...?
Shall se koristi u pitanjima shall I...?/shall we...?
Shall I open the window?
Where shall we go this evening?
Will / shall 2
Obično buduće vreme (Future Simple) koristi se
za odluke donete u trenutku govora, obećanja,
ponude, molbe, itd.
‘What would you like to drink?’ ‘I’ll have an
orange juice, please.’
I won’t tell anyone what happened, I promise.
Will you please turn the music down?
That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
Will/shall se NE koristi za aktivnosti koje su
unapred dogovorene ili odluke koje su ranije
Diana is working next week. (NE Diana will
work) = Present Continuous sa značenjem
buduće radnje koja je unapred isplanirana.
Are you going to watch television this evening?
(NE Will you watch) = ‘Going to’ sa značenjem
buduće namere ili odluke.
• Read the conversations. Which replies are statements
about the future and which are instant decisions?
• ► What would you like? ~ I'll have an orange juice,
please. decision
• 1 Shall we go out tonight? ~ I'll be too tired, I think.
• 2 We've lost a tennis ball. ~ I'll help you look for it.
• 3 I'm worried about the exam. ~ Oh, you'll be all right.
• 4 I haven't got any transport. ~ Oh, we'll give you a lift.
• 5 I must fix this shelf some time. ~ We'll be dead before
Predicting the future (predviđanje
Još jedna upotrena will/shall. Često govorimo o
budućnosti, a da ne mislimo ni na unapred
donetu odluku, nameru ili plan. Zapravo samo
pretpostavljamo šta će se desiti, odnosno
saopštavamo šta mislimo ili znamo da će se
desiti. Na neki način predviđamo budućnost.
(Kate is doing an exam next week. Chris and Joe
are talking about it.) C: ‘Do you think Kate will
pass the exam?’ J: ‘Yes, she’ll pass easily.’
Will (‘ll) se koristi uz fraze:
‘I’ll probably be home late
I expect
‘ I haven’t seen Carol today.
I expect she’ll phone this
(I’m) sure
‘Don’t worry about the exam.
I’m sure you’ll pass.’
‘Do you think Sarah will like
the present we bought her?’
Don’t think
‘I don’t think the exam will be
very difficult.’
I wonder
‘I wonder what will happen.’
Decisions and intentions
Yes, it'll
We use will for an instant decision
or agreement
There's a postbox over there. I'll post
these letters.
You still haven't put those shelves up,
Trevor. ~
OK, I'll do it tomorrow.
Trevor is deciding now.
• C Predictions
• We can use will for a prediction
about the future.
• I think United will win the game.
• One day people will travel to Mars.
• Be going to means that we have
already decided to do something.
• I'm going out. I'm going to post these
• You still haven't put those shelves up,
Trevor. ~ I
• know. I'm going to do it tomorrow.
• Trevor has already decided.
• We use be going to for a
prediction when we see from the
present situation what is going to
• happen in the future.
• There isn't a cloud in the sky. lt's
going to be a
• lovely day.
• This bag isn't very strong. It's going
to break
Complete the conversations. Put in will or be going to with the verbs.
? Vicky: Have you got a ticket for the play?
Daniel: Yes, I'm going to see (see) it on Thursday.
? Harriet: The alarm's going. It's making an awful noise.
Mike: OK, I'll switch (switch) it off.
1 Daniel: Did you buy this book?
Matthew: No, Emma did. She……………………………………… (read) it on
2 Laura: Would you like tea or coffee?
Sarah: Oh, I…………...........................................(have) coffee, please.
3 Trevor: I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight.
Laura: I........................................................... (video) it for you, if you like.
4 Rachel: I'm just going out to get a paper.
Emma: What newspaper..............................................………. (you / buy)?
Will be doing and will have done
People are standing in a queue to get into the
Half an hour from now, the cinema will be full.
Everyone will be watching the film.
Three hours from now, the cinema will be empty.
The film will have finished. Everybody will have gone
(Ljudi čekaju u redu kako bi ušli u bioskop. Za pola
sata bioskop će biti pun. Svi će gledati film. Za tri
sata bioskop će biti prazan. Film će biti završen. Svi
će otići svojim kućama.)
Future Continuous (will be doing)
I will be doing something = I will be in the middle of
doing it.
Gradi se od will + be + v+-ing
Ovo vreme koristimo da bismo iskazali aktivnost
koja će biti u toku u nekom budućem periodu:
This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I’ll be lying on
the beach and swimming in the sea.
Tomorrow afternoon we’re going to play tennis
from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock, we’ll be
playing tennis.
I think I’ll still be writing my seminar paper at 11
o’clock tonight.
• Uporedi will be doing i druga continuous vremena:
• At 10 o’clock yesterday, Sally was in her office. She
was working. (past)
• It’s 10 o’clock now. She is in her office. She is
working. (present)
• At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She
will be working.(future)
• Sva ova vremena opisuju radnju koja je bila, ili jeste
ili će biti u toku u prošlosti, sadašnjosti ili
• Will be doing se takođe koristi za završenu
radnju u budućnosti:
• The government will be making a statement
about the crisis later today.
• Later in the program, we’ll be talking to the
Minister of Education...
• Our best player is injured and won’t be playing
on Saturday.
• U ovom smislu značenje je slično going to (plan,
• Complete the conversation. Put in a pronoun and the future
continuous form of the verb.
• Daniel: I'm going to go into business when I leave college. Five
years from now (►) I'll be running (I / run) a big company. I expect
(1)…………………………….. (I / earn) lots of money.
• Vicky: I don't know what (2)……………………………… (I / do). What
about you, Natasha? What (3) ............................................ (you / do),
do you think?
• Natasha: I'm too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone
very rich.
(4)………………………………. (I / give) dinner parties all the time. We'll
have a cook (5)………………….. ........... (who / do) all the work, of
course. And you'll both get invitations.
• Vicky: You're joking, aren't you, Natasha? I expect
(6)………………………………..(you / play) in an orchestra. That's what
you really want to do, isn't it?
Future perfect (will have done)
• Three hours from now, the film will have
finished = The film will already be over before
that time.
• Gradi se od will + have + past participle
• Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the
morning. She won’t be at home at 9 o’clock –
she’ll have gone to work.
• We’re late. The film will already have started by
the time we get to the cinema.
Uporedi will have done i druga perfektivna
Ted and Amy have been married for 24 years.
(present perfect)
Next year they will have been married for 25
years. (future perfect)
When their son was born, they had been
married for 3 years. (past perfect)
• We use will have + a past participle (the future
perfect) for something that will be over in the future.
• I like looking at these pictures, but I'll have had enough
by lunch-time.
• Trevor and Laura will have lived here for four years
next April.
• This chess game is going to last ages. They won't have
finished it until midnight.
• Will you have read this book by the time it's due
back to the library? ~ Yes. I'll have finished it by
• We often use the future perfect with expressions of time such
as by lunch-time, until midnight, before then,
by the time you have to take it back.