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Info dan Obzor 2020.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Akcije
17.12.2013., Zagreb
Obzor 2020.
Branka Bernard,
NCP SC1 Health i MSCA
Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU
Obzor 2020.
novi okvirni program EU za istraživanja i inovacije 2014-2020.
79 mlrd. EUR
Što je novo?
jedinstveni program koji udružuje tri dosad zasebna
programa - FP7, CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation
Programme) i EU doprinos Europskom institutu za inovacije i
tehnologiju (EIT)
spajanje istraživanja s inovacijama
fokus na društvene izazove s kojima se suočava EU
društvo (npr. zdravlje, čista energija i transport)
pojednostavljeni pristup - svim tvrtkama, sveučilištima,
institutima iz EU ili izvan EU
Misao vodilja Obzora 2020.
• Odgovor na gospodarsku krizu investiranjem u
buduće poslove i razvoj integriranim pristupom
– Snažna interakcija između različitih specifičnih ciljeva
Obzora 2020. i spajanje istraživanja s inovacijama
– fokus na društvene izazove s kojima se suočava EU društvo
Struktura Obzora 2020.
Strateški program: 12 fokusnih područja
Personalizirana zdravstvena skrb
Održiva sigurnost hrane
Plavi rast: realizacija potencijala oceana
Pametni gradovi i zajednice
Konkurentna energija s niskom emisijom CO2
Energetska efikasnost
Mobilnost za rast
Otpad: izvor za recikliranje i ponovnu upotrebu sirovina
Inovacije vezane za vodene resurse: jačanje vrijednosti vodenih resursa za
Prevladavanje krize: nove ideje, strategije i upravljačke strukture za Europu
Otpornost na katastrofe: sigurna društva, uključujući prilagođavanje
klimatskim promjenama
Digitalna sigurnost
Strateški program: 12 fokusnih područja
Build scale and critical mass
Exploit existing research and innovation
Involve both societal challenges and KETs
Support the innovation chain
research> development> proof of concept> piloting> demonstration
• Make use of a variety of funding schemes
• Integrate different perspectives
• Social science and humanities, gender
Strateški program:društveni izazovi i inovacije
• Support for activities close to end user and markets
• Support for pre-commercial and first commercial public
procurement and standard setting
• Inducement prizes (possible Capital of Innovation)
• Piloting new forms and sources of innovation focusing on
public sector and social innovation
Contributing to the European Research Area
ERA framework proposal in 2012 to create a single market for knowledge
research and innovation
Complemented by Horizon 2020:
• Boosting support to ERA priorities – mobility, infrastructures, knowledge
transfer, policy learning
• Stronger partnerships with Member States and private sector to invest
more efficiently
• Taking account of gender, ethical issues, researcher careers and open
access to results
Strong participation by SMEs
• Integrated approach - around 20% of the total budget for societal
challenges and LEITs to go to SMEs
• Simplification of particular benefit to SMEs (e.g. single entry point)
• A new SME instrument will be used across all societal challenges as well as
for the LEITs
• A dedicated activity for research-intensive SMEs in 'Innovation in SMEs'
• 'Access to risk finance' will have a strong SME focus (debt and equity
Socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH)
• Integrated approach: SSH included as an integral part of the activities (e.g.
understanding the determinants of health and optimising the
effectiveness of healthcare systems)
• The 'Inclusive and reflective societies' challenge: issues such as smart and
sustainable growth, social transformations, social innovation and
creativity, the position of Europe as a global actor as well as the social
dimension of a secure society (SSH have the tools to contribute to
addressing security challenges, enhancing the societal dimension of
security policy and research)
• Bottom-up funding: ERC, MSCA, Research Infrastructures
Što to znači za MSCA
• MSCA – nove vještine koje će izvrsnim istraživačima omogučiti
da se nose s budućim društvenim izazovima
• Obzor 2020. zahtjeva inovativnost
• Stvaranje jedinstvenog europskog istraživačkog prostora
• Ekonomski rast i pozicioniranje EU kao leadera u područjima
društvenih izazova
• Uključenje SMEs
• Komponente iz društvenih znanosti
Radni program
• Dvogodišnji - prvi radni program obuhvaća 2014. i
Participants portal
• Sva dokumentacija vezana uz natječaje može se naći
na Participant Portal
Pripreme za Obzor 2020.:
- imenovanje nacionalnih osoba za kontakt (NCP): za 22 NCP funkcije
imenovano 14 NCP-ja (9 u AMPEU, 2 u MZOS, 2 u BICRO i 1 u DZRNS);
- imenovanje stručnjaka u konfiguracije Programskog odbora Obzora 2020.;
- izrada nacionalnog web portala (;
- priprema tematskih info dana (tokom prosinca i siječnja održat će se info
dani za sva tematska područja);
- priprema nacionalne konferencije o programu Obzor 2020. (10. veljače
• Marie Curie Unit organizes web-streamed training on Wednesday
15 January 2014 from 2 to 6 pm, in collaboration with the Research
Executive Agency (REA).
• The training will focus on the two 2014 calls ITN (Innovative
Training Networks) and RISE (Research and Innovation Staff
Exchange) under the new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and will
be transmitted via the link:
c48e3a8db9b618592a86a57960164 .
• Transmission will start 10-15 minutes before the 2 pm.
• Before and during the training people will be able to ask questions
via the e-mail boxes [email protected] for ITN
and [email protected] for RISE.
AMPEU podrška
• Branka Bernard NCP MSCA
[email protected]
• Ana Grdović NCP MSCA, financial NCP
[email protected]
• Manda Japunčić
[email protected]
Electronic submition
Electronic Submission System accessed from the call page
• ECAS password
• PICs for all partners
• Prepare proposal,
– On-line for Part A structured part
– Upload Part B - pdf file(s)
• Submit the proposal
• Validation checks
• Complete submission, before the 17h00 deadline
Part A
• A1
Title, acronym, objective etc.
Fixed and free keywords
2000 character proposal abstract
previous/current submission
• A 2 (one form per partner)
Participant Identification Code (PIC) compulsory
Contact information
Other contact information
Part A – 2.dio
Cost and requested grant details
Ethics' questionnaire
Call related questionnaire, e.g. for clinical trials
Part B
Part B - pdf file(s)
Based around evaluation criteria:
• Excellence
– Eg. Objectives, concept, progress beyond state-of-art
• Impact
– Eg. Potential impact (incl. with reference to WP); measures
to maximise impact (dissemination, communication,
• Implementation
– Including work packages descriptions
– Information on third parties and subcontractors
Postanite evaluator
• Izuzetno iskustvo
• Naglasite
• Naglasite suradnju s
privatnim sektorom
Marie Curie Actions are all about fostering new skills by means of excellent initial
training of researchers. Therefore, Marie Curie Actions will continue to equip early
stage researchers with a diversity of skills that will allow them to face current and
future callenges.
This requires support to a Union-wide competitively selected research training
programmes implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions,
businesses, SMEs and other socio-economic actors. Increased focus on the creative
mind, an entrepreneurial outlook and innovation skills that will match the furture
needs of the labour market.
The Marie Curie Actions will also provide training in team-work, risk-taking, project
management, standardisation, entrepreneurship, ethics, IPR, communication and
societal outreach.
Europe has to be attractive to the best researchers and therefore funding will be
giving to the best or most promising experienced researchers, who want to
develop their skills through a transnational or international mobility experience.
Marie Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 will support researchers mobility with a range
of possibilities to achieve European-wide mobility possibilities for researchers
training, career development and staff exchange.
Kontakti Obzor 2020.
• Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta
• Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU,
Frankopanska 26