Transcript Chapter 11

PSY 633
What Is Leadership?
Leadership myths
– Leadership is power
• (with people rather than over people)
– Leaders are born
• (but leaders are also “made”)
– All groups have leaders
• (large groups tend to require a leader)
– People resist their leaders
• (most groups accept the need for a leader)
What is leadership?
Leadership myths (cont.)
– Leaders make or break their groups
• The “romance of leadership” exaggerates
the impact of a leader
• Leaders do make a difference (e.g., sports
What is leadership?
Leadership defined: guidance of others in their
pursuits, often by organizing, directing,
coordinating, supporting, and motivating their
– Reciprocal
– Transactional
– Transformational
– Cooperative
– Adaptive
Leadership is a Reciprocal Process
any aspect of the leader, member or setting
can influence and be influenced.
Leadership is a Transactional rocess
leader/members trade time and energy in
exchange for rewards
Leadership is a Transformational
The transformational leader heightens
members motivation, confidence and
• uniting
• changing beliefs, values, needs.
Leadership is a Cooperative Process
legitimate power given to most influential
Leadership is a Goal-seeking Process
organizes and motivates members to
achieve goals.
Who Will Lead?
Perspectives on leadership emergence
– Trait model: The great leader theory of
Thomas Carlyle
– Situational model: the Zeitgeist theory of Leo
– Interactional model: depends on the leader,
followers, and the group situation.
Who Will Lead?
Early explanations of leadership studied
the “traits” of great leaders
– “Great man” theories (Gandhi, Lincoln,
– Belief that people were born with these traits
and only the great people possessed them
What is leadership?
Components of leadership
– Task leadership: focuses on the group’s work
and its goals
– Relationship leadership: focuses on
interpersonal relations
Personality Variable
Structure or
“In oversimplified terms, … the
leader manages the group in
either of two ways. He can:
• Tell people what to do and
how to do it.
• Or share his leadership
responsibilities with his
group members and involve
them in the planning and
execution of the task.”
Fielder, Harvard Business Review, p. 116
The Least Preferred
Coworker Scale, or
LPC scale.
• Think of the person
who you least like to
work with
LPC Scale
Think of a person with whom you can
work least well. He or she may be
someone you work with now or someone
you knew in the past. This coworker
does not have to be the person you like
least but should be the person with
whom you had the most difficulty in
getting a job done.
. . .
:.8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.: Unpleasant
:.8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.: Unfriendly
:.1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.: Sincere
:.8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.: Unkind
Low score = Task Motivated (57)
High score = Relationship Motivated (63)
(If 58-62, “socioindependent”): ambivalent, mixed
motivations, socially independent, not clear
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
High LPC leaders most
effective in
favorable situations
Low LPC leaders most
effective in very
favorable or very
unfavorable situations
In moderate situations,
the correlation
between LPC and
Effectiveness is POSITIVE
In highly favorable or
highly unfavorable
situations, the correlation
between LPC and
Effectiveness is NEGATIVE
Situational-Leadership Theory
Lewin’s Leadership Styles
the leader takes decisions without consulting with others.
The decision is made without any form of consultation. In
Lewin's experiments, he found that this caused the most
level of discontent.
An autocratic style works when there is no need for input on
the decision, where the decision would not change as a
result of input, and where the motivation of people to
carry out subsequent actions would not be affected
whether they were or were not involved in the decisionmaking.
The leader involves the people in the decision-making,
although the process for the final decision may vary from
the leader having the final say to them facilitating
consensus in the group.
Democratic decision-making is usually appreciated by the
people, especially if they have been used to autocratic
decisions with which they disagreed. It can be problematic
when there are a wide range of opinions and there is no
clear way of reaching an equitable final decision.
Goal is to minimize the leader's involvement in decisionmaking, and hence allowing people to make their own
decisions, although they may still be responsible for the
Laissez-faire works best when people are capable and
motivated in making their own decisions, and where there
is no requirement for a central coordination, for example
in sharing resources across a range of different people and
Normative Model
Decision quality is the selection of the best alternative, and is
particularly important when there are many alternatives. It
is also important when there are serious implications for
selecting (or failing to select) the best alternative.
Decision acceptance is the degree to which a follower
accepts a decision made by a leader. Leaders focus more
on decision acceptance when decision quality is more
Vroom and Yetton defined five different decision
procedures. Two are autocratic (A1 and A2), two are
consultative (C1 and C2) and one is Group based (G2).
Normative Model
5 different decision procedures. Two are autocratic two are
consultative and one is Group based
A1: Leader takes known information and then decides alone.
A2: Leader gets information from followers, and then
decides alone.
C1: Leader shares problem with followers individually,
listens to ideas and then decides alone.
C2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group, listens
to ideas and then decides alone.
G2: Leader shares problems with followers as a group and
then seeks and accepts consensus agreement.
Other Models
Leadership style models: Effectiveness depends on the
leader's task and relationship behaviors.
– The Leadership Grid: Blake and Mouton assume that
people vary in their concern for others and in their
concern for results and that individuals who are high
on both dimensions (9,9) are the best leaders.
– Situational leadership theory: Hersey and Blanchard
suggest that groups benefit from leadership that
meshes with the developmental stage of the group.
Leader-member exchange theory (LMX): Leaders and
followers are linked dyadically
– Two subgroups of linkages exist (the inner group and
the outer group).
– Groups with more inner-group members are more
Participation theories of leadership
– Lewin, Lippitt, and White’s study of autocratic,
democratic, and laissez-faire leaders
– Shared leadership models: co-leadership, collective,
and peer leadership.
Transformational, charismatic, and visionary
leadership models, such as Bass's
transformational model
Sex differences in leadership effectiveness:
– Women tend to adopt participative and
transformational styles of leadership
– men are more likely to enact autocratic,
laissez-faire, and transactional styles.