Treatment Bulls-eye

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Transcript Treatment Bulls-eye

East Midlands Model of Commissioning
Mick Burrows
Senior Commissioning Manager – Derbyshire DAAT
the importance of Residential
Rehabilitation Provision as an option for
service users
Crucial part of any local treatment system
Improved access to Residential/Inpatient
and develop effective
commissioning of Res Rehab Services across
the Region
 Develop a model of collaborative
commissioning for future years
post to ensure delivery – funded by
all nine partnerships
Ensured access to services and pathways were
consistent across the region
Ensured services users were suitable/treatment
ready and properly prepared
Able to meet LA’s eligibility criteria
Improve knowledge and understanding
staff/service users/family understood
what Residential Services offered
Agreed a collaborative approach to
Tendered for Approved list of Providers
Preparation, Preparation
Ensure successful outcomes and better retention
and completion rates
Knowledge and choice
Understand the process
Active participation in the evaluation and review of
Achieve abstinence
Ensure Recovery and Re-integration
contract with nine Partnerships
Two year contract – no Individual Negotiations
First point of call – though not exclusive
Improve stability
Foster closer working relationships
Gain Feedback to improve services
Open and transparent process
Two year contract – no Individual Negotiations
Foster closer working relationships
Gain Feedback to improve services
Open and transparent process
Better outcomes for service users
Long term partnership between the local
authorities, the crime, drug and alcohol
partnerships and service providers to
understand and develop a coordinated
approach towards the needs of the service