the potential of non halal issue in hotel kitchen

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At the end of this session, learner will be able to
› Explain clearly the definition of HALAL, HARAM
› Describe at least 5 potential of non-halal issues in
hotel kitchen
› Relate the potential issues / situation with the
Islamic rules
What is HALAL?
› Arabic word – permitted or lawful
› Things or action permitted by Syariah Law
without punishment imposed on the doer
› Principle 1 – All things are created by ALLAH are
Halal except that are specifically prohibited
 What is HARAM?
› Arabic word – prohibited or unlawful
› Haram activities are forbidden to every muslim
› Principle 5 – If something is prohibited, anything
leading to it is also prohibited.
What is SYUBHAH?
› Arabic word – doubtful
› If one doesn’t know the Halal or Haram status is
consider mashbooh and should be avoided.
› Principles 7 – Doubtful things should be avoided
 HALAL Food
› MS1500 : 2009
› Raw material – meat product
› Emulsifier (E code) – either animal based or
plant based
› Gelatin
› Vinegar
› Oil
› GMF – vegetarian food
› Weighing scale
› Passage way
› Holding equipment
› Undedicated storage
› Receiver person
› Scheduling time
› Butchery – separate room, separate
› Inter transfer kitchen – separate
equipment, coding system
› Utensils– brushes
› Stewarding – separate cleaning equipment
› Staff attitudes on alcoholic control
› Satellite kitchen
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud :
“Tinggalkan apa yang membimbangkan kamu
kepada apa yang tidak membimbangkan kamu”.
 Hadis
Hasan soheh yang bermaksud :
“Tinggalkan perkara yang engkau ragu dan
ambillah perkara yang engkau tidak ragu”.
(Riwayat At-Tarmizi)
COMPULSORY for Muslim looking for HALAL food
 If doubtful please follow this step :
› Customer complaint
› Observation by authorities
› Civic consciousness
› Traceability