Transcript Document

MIPKI was founded in 1995
The right for rendering of educational services is confirmed by
documents of the state official form
Distance technologies are used on all programs on all
forms of training
History of modern MIPKI
2003 - beginning of cooperation with St.-Petersburg branch of SoyuzDorNII (Road
Engineering Research Institute)
Creating of the first educational video-movie about construction, maintenance and repair
of motor-roads
2002 - first audio-course, first clients on consulting
2001 - opening of a speciality "Quality management“
2000 - first students’ graduation
1999 - creating of web-site of Institute with a program environment “Distance testing” and
database “Student’s record-book”, which includes methodical instructions and tutorials –
prototype of Moodle
1998 – Sub-departments and faculty are organized in the Institute
1997 - participation in the IRF World forum (International Road Federation)
1996 – designing of strategy of development and activity of the Institute
1995 – - date of foundation of the Institute, the first group of students left to Europe
Meeting in COLAS: forming of concept of the distance training in MIPKI
Principal dates in the history of MIPKI
2010 - exchange of experience with Swedish (SVEFI) and Finnish (TOKEM) partners
in the field of distance training;
Beginning of training in virtual educational class using of platform LearnLink
2009 - successful functioning of the quality management system under the new
standard is confirmed with certificate ISO 9001:2008 of British Standards Institute
(BSI); Creating of the corporate web-portal
First distance-students’ finished 5-years training graduation
2008 - Moving to the new office, the number of audio-courses of lectures and
practical trainings reached the figure 150.
2007 - first order and carrying out of consulting on creation of the quality
management system; introducing of weekly planning by each employee.
2006 – designing of the own system of management under standard ISO 9001:2000.
2005 – was won a state tender on Research Scientific Work in the Chamber of
Accounts of the Russian Federation.
2004 – was the sole patent in Russia “System of the distance training” received.
Accreditation of the higher professional education specialities.
Philosophy of MIPKI
Care for consumer of services
Long-term prospects of MIPKI are
based on a priority of the consumer
of the distance training services.
Decision of problems through constant perfection and
training of the personnel.
Interbranch Institute of professional training and information
Consumers of our services are students, learners, clients and partners
High technologies for the distance
Distance training
gives a choice and
Our mission is a quality
through selfimprovement
Distance training is
an approach to an
open university.
Advantages of the distance training
Virtual educational class
Modular object-oriented dynamic educational
Electronic library
Modular training with using of electronic textbooks
and tutorials
Electronic testing
Control from the consumer’s side
The advantage of the distance form of training is that
any student worldwide can be trained.
It is enough just to have PC switched in to Internet, headset
of headphones, microphone and web-camera.
There are no needs of special skills, the system is so simple
that it’s enough to have a user’s level.
Learn Link
For realization of the distance training MIPKI uses two platforms. The combination of two
platforms allows us to dispose any educational content under the program of training or
improvement of professional skill and to organize any communications.
2+2 =4
Opportunities of our open (or virtual) educational class allow to
dispose up to 20 person simultaneously. Classes are carried out
under the schedule with one or several teachers.
Practically it is like auditory training. But the auditory is virtual,
what gives a lot of advantages, one of which is an economy of
time for coming into classes.
Cycle of Shukhart-Deming in MIPKI
Enter corrections or fix
what you achieved
Planning is a part of
philosophy of MIPKI
Has MIPKI succeeded
in anticipation of
expectations of the
“What the consumer
has the right to expect
from this process?”
Orientation to the quality = ISO +
Obsession of
the quality
The whole of
us is one crew
1. MIPKI has a reputation of the higher educational institution which
provides graduation of qualified professionals with skills of
practical activities, claimed on a labour market
2. This reputation is based on unique experience of additional
vocational training (especially in the field of quality management,
construction and road engineering)
3. MIPKI is known as the consulting organization assisting creating of
systems of quality in organizations of commercial and
noncommercial sectors
4. MIPKI is focused on creation of the Center of scientific researches
and realizations of innovative projects. First step in this direction is
the Center of dataware.
Higher and additional vocational training in MIPKI
Faculty of management
Two specialities of higher
vocational education
“Management of the organization”
"Quality management"
More than 150 modules under programs of additional vocational education
Distance training
Sole patent in Russia (up to the year 2012) for the method of distance training
Individual approach to trainees
Chairmen of Governmental Certification Commission
Clients on ISO
Business partners
Closed Corporation
"Institute Stroyprojekt"
Public Corporation
“Lipetsky Refrigerated
Ltd “Pyotr Veliky”
("Peter the Great")
“Engineering Technical
Center of special works
and expertise”
Scientific research Institute
(Energy Research”)
Baltic Basin
Rescue Administratio
Group of enterprises
(“Road engineering Service”)
Road Engineering Service
Administration, Gatchina
Certification Association
“Russian Register”
of applied sciences
Baltic institute of Finland
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