JHP Training

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Employment and Skills
Partnership Alliance
Lyn Gardner
July 2011
JHP Group - The Company
• £70M+ turnover employing > 1,400 staff
• MBO in January 2010, LDC funded
• JHP in skills and employability as:
– a deliverer
– a sub contractor
– a manager of supply chain arrangements
• Strongly committed to our core values and core ethos
Staff: IiP Gold and IiP Champion
High quality, high success rates: Ofsted Grade 2
Our values are our competitive advantage, conscience and map
And…underpin our strong commercial drive to reach and benefit
lives of staff, learners and clients
• Key and distinctive strengths in technology, IES, IWS
and with performance in the top decile
• 2nd largest independent training provider
• No 1 in Apprenticeships, NVQs, flexible – span Entry level to Level
• Work based learning and commercial training – employers
• Awarded largest contract by Skills Funding Agency for Programmes
for the Unemployed
• awarded 7 ERSS framework contracts (maximum allowed)
• Work Programme: 1 of just 18 prime providers
• MWA: Scotland and NW
Our Vision: Work Programme
It is NOT more of the same
• To replicate or continue previous business
models and practices will = FAILURE
What is so radical?
• It is the biggest transfer of risk to the private sector
• Payment by results
• Changing the focus from job search and placement to:
• Holistic - understanding and meeting personal needs
• Progression - personal and professional
• Employer opportunity and support
Key to our success…
• Partnership: 77% delivery via our supply chain
• Technology
Diagnostic tools feeding into online action plans, CVs
Job matching immediately (email, post and texting)
Case and employer management – matching and managing
MIS, client tracking and performance measurement
Staff development through our Virtual Academy
• IES and IWS
– Engaging with and meeting employer need
– Creating opportunities with employers, developing people
• Leadership and management
– Staff : Induction and development programme (ND to WP, ‘can do’)
• Regional Stakeholder engagement through
convergence of government policy - ‘making work pay’