Imperialism in Africa - MR. OSBORNE'S CLASSROOM

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Random Fact of the Day
The principal movement of a
gerbil is hopping, rather than
Kipling’s justification of imperialism in The White Man’s
Burden is a good example of…
Laissez-faire capitalism
Social Darwinism
A defense of native traditions
Scientific Socialism
Imperialism in Africa
“The Scramble for Africa”
“The Scramble for Africa”
European countries will rush
to claim territory in Africa
1880 – 10%
1910 – ALL but Liberia &
Effect on Africa?
Disregard for traditional
alliances and rivalries
Legacy of violence created
Belgium in Congo
King Leopold II of
Belgium sets up personal
colony in the Congo
Wants to exploit rubber
trade, says it’s for religious
Population of the Congo
decreases from 20 million
to 10 million over 30 years
British control of Egypt
Egypt seeks to modernize
throughout 19th century
Suez Canal
Egypt’s financial debt over
construction leads Britain to
buy up a huge portion of
Britain manages
construction and declares
Egypt a protectorate
Berlin Conference (1884-85)
Established the rules for conquest of Africa
No country could claim a territory unless they could control it
Slavery/slave trade is declared illegal
African leaders not invited to conference
British Empire in Africa
Britain prided itself on being
the most enlightened of the
imperial powers
Fashoda Incident
Nearly triggered a war between
France and Britain
South Africa
Cecil Rhodes – “Cape to Cairo
Boers in South Africa seek to
keep British out
Boer War (1899-1902) –
British defeat the Boers
Wilhelm II of Germany publically
supported the Boers
France and Germany in Africa
Controls the most land but has
a lot of sand
Much of North Africa under
French possession
Late to imperialism game due to
late unification
Makes colonization a major
focus after the Berlin
And then there’s Italy
Italy was the last country
to jump in to colonization
Lost a war trying to take
Source: Prince Leopold, heir to the throne of Belgium and
future king, conversation, 1861.
Surrounded by the sea, Holland, Prussia and France, our
frontiers can never be extended in Europe. . . . [But] the
universe lies in front of us; steam and electricity have made
distances disappear, a1l the unappropriated lands on the
surface of the globe may become the field of our operations
and of our resources. . . . Since history teaches that colonies
are useful, that they play a great part in that which makes up
the power and prosperity of states, let us strive to get one in
our turn . . . let us see where there are unoccupied lands . . .
where are to be found peoples to civilize, to lead to progress
in every sense, meanwhile assuring ourselves . . . the
opportunity to prove to the world that Belgians also are an
imperial people capable of dominating and enlightening others.
The Congo Free State
The Belgian Congo
King Leopold II:
(r. 1865 – 1909)
Harvesting Rubber
Punishing “Lazy” Workers
5-8 Million Victims!
(50% of Popul.)
It is blood-curdling to see them (the
soldiers) returning with the hands of the
slain, and to find the hands of young
children amongst the bigger ones
evidencing their bravery...The rubber
from this district has cost hundreds of
lives, and the scenes I have witnessed,
while unable to help the oppressed, have
been almost enough to make me wish I
were dead... This rubber traffic is steeped
in blood, and if the natives were to rise
and sweep every white person on the
Upper Congo into eternity, there would
still be left a fearful balance to their
-- Belgian Official
Belgium’s Stranglehold on the Congo
Why does King Leopold say that Belgium should take on
What about the Congo’s geographic location allows it to be a
critical possession in Africa?
What should be the final purpose of the Belgian missionaries’
presence in the Congo?
What kinds of people should the missionaries focus on? Why?
What kind of measures should the missionaries take to keep
the native peoples in line?
Write the introduction for the following prompt…
How and in what ways were the economic and political
factors responsible for intensifying European imperialism
activity in Africa from the mid-nineteenth century to the
beginning of the First World War?
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