Titel - Vienna Economic Forum

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Transcript Titel - Vienna Economic Forum

Private Sector and Development
Private Sector and Development:
Business and Development Partnerships Instruments of the ADC
Private Sector and Development
Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)
in Moldova
Republic of Moldova priority country of the ADC since 2004
Office in Chişinău since 2005
Currently 24 ADC on-going projects with Moldova
Private Sector and Development
Business with Value Added
Economic growth is a precondition for development.
The priority programme Private Sector and Development of the
ADC aims at
 creating an enabling environment for private sector development
 strengthening private businesses, especially SMEs, in the
partner countries
 reaping potential synergies between the private sector and ADC
Private Sector and Development
Focus on Regions
The main areas targeted by the Private Sector and
Development Programme are ADC‘s partner countries in the
following six regions
 South-Eastern Europe
 West Africa
 East Africa – Great Lakes
 Southern Africa
 Central America
 The Himalayas-Hindukush
Private Sector and Development
Partner for Business
The ADC offers to private companies
 financial support for development-related projects
 advice and experts
 project monitoring
2 Cooperation Programmes:
Business Partnerships
Development Partnerships
Private Sector and Development
Business Partnerships
 support for businessto- business linkage projects
 between companies in Europe and firms in
developing and transition countries
 support of joint ventures, outsourcing, supply
contracts towards the EU, joint marketing, value
chains, business alliances, know-how transfer etc.
benefit for local enterprises and communities
Private Sector and Development
Development Partnerships
 public-private cooperation
 to reach the goals of ADC more quickly, more effectively
and at less cost
 e.g. support for training and qualification, know-how
transfer, quality management, social services,
environmental protection etc.
 Currently one development partnership in Moldova:
Cultivation of Beans in small farmers‘ entities in Ungheni
and workplace improvement
Private Sector and Development
Areas of Cooperation
Qualification of
local suppliers,
quality control
Qualification of
skilled staff and
Launching of innovative
Information events,
and operation of
public facilities
Qualification in
agricultural production,
social and
Private Sector and Development
ADC Support
ADC supports Business and Development Partnerships
in South Eastern Europe through
 feasibility studies:
up to 50 % (max. 20.000 Euros)
 project costs:
up to 50 % (max. 200.000 Euros)
 duration of project support: up to 3 years
Private Sector and Development
Criteria for Cooperation
 the project generates additional benefits for the firm and the local
population that would not be achieved anyway by the core business of
the company
 the project is in line with development policy goals and quality criteria
 partners abide by national laws and international environmental and
social standards
 avoidance of unfair competition
 all partners make a substantial financial contribution
guidelines on www.ada.gv.at
Private Sector and Development
Step by Step
Austrian Development Agency (ADA) aims at flexible and
creative project development in partner-like dialogue, in an
unbureaucratic and efficient way
 send a brief outline of the project (business branch, purpose, problem,
project idea, costs and contributions from each partner) to the Business
Partnership Office of the ADA (ADA-BPO)
 ADA-BPO gives a first response
 formulation of a detailed project concept in dialogue with ADA-BPO
 submission to the award committee
 elaboration of the contract
 signature of contract
 project implementation, disbursement, monitoring
Private Sector and Development
Information and Contact
Business Partnership Office
of the Austrian Development Agency
Phone: +43 1 90399-577
E-mail: [email protected]
Austrian Embassy Chisinau/
Coordination Office for Technical Cooperation
Phone: +373-22-739730
E-Mail: [email protected]