Transcript Document

Engaging Parents/Guardians
in Career Conversations
Content adapted from DEECD Engaging Parents in Career Conversations Framework ( April 2014)
Workshop Aims
By the end of this workshop you will be able to:
 Better support your teenager in their career journey;
 Have a career conversation with your teenager;
 Know and understand the key factors of career
 Learn about some useful career resources
Concerns About the Future
• What concerns does your teenager have about
their future?
• What concerns does YOU have about your
teenager’s future?
• Share your own work experiences. What have
you learnt about the world of work from these
Activity: On the post-it-note provided, write down a question you have or
concern you may have in regards to your teenager’s future.
Attributes that young people need…
...‫صفات يحتاجها الشباب‬
To keep trying even if things don’t work out the first time, Keep
trying over and over again even when things appear too difficult.
‫ استمر في المحاولة‬،‫أن تستمر في المحاولة حتى ولو لم تنجح األشياء في المرة األولى‬
.‫مرارا ً وتكرارا ً حتى ولو بدت األشياء غاية في الصعوبة‬
To be positive about facing challenges and being able to make alternative
choices if things don’t go according to original plan.
‫أن تواجه التحديات بايجابية والقدرة على اختيار خيارات بديلة إذا لم تسير األمور وفق الخطة‬
Using own initiative to create solutions to
problems and to develop new ideas
‫استخدام مبادرتك اليجاد حلول للمشكالت وخلق أفكار جديدة‬
Desire! - Willingness to work hard to
achieve goals
‫الرغبة! – واالستعداد للعمل باجتهاد لتحقيق األهداف‬
3 main stages in
career development
‫ مراحل رئيسية‬3
‫في التطوير المهني‬
Self Development Understand self,
build experiences and capabilities
and develop skills
‫تطوير الذات فهم الذات وبناء الخبرات والقدرات‬
‫وتطوير المهارات‬
Career Management
Career Exploration
Make and adjust Career Action Plans,
manage life choices , changes and
Locate, investigate and consider
opportunities to learn and work
‫اإلدارة المهنية‬
،‫ إدارة الخيارات الحياتية‬،‫وضع خطط عمل مهنية وتعديلها‬
‫والتغييرات ونقاط التحول‬
‫االستكشاف المهني‬
‫تحديد الفرص والتقصي عنها والتفكير فيها من أجل التعلم‬
Working in partnership
‫‪Key factors in‬‬
‫‪career development‬‬
‫عوامل رئيسية في التطوير المهني‬
‫‪Focus on the journey‬‬
‫‪Learning is ongoing‬‬
‫‪Change is Constant‬‬
‫التركيز على الرحلة المهنية‬
‫التعلم المستمر‬
‫التغيير المتواصل‬
‫‪Get advice from family,‬‬
‫‪friends and networks‬‬
‫‪Follow your heart‬‬
‫الحصول على المشورة من أفراد العائلة‬
‫واألصدقاء والمعارف‬
‫اتبع أحاسيسك‬
Change is Constant
Learning about Job Market
Labour Market Information on Job Outlook
• Over 350 occupations with:
Overview and Job prospects
Statistics: growth, earnings, hours, gender/age, FT/PT
Knowledge, skills and abilities
Training and Vacancies
• Career Quiz
Skill Shortages
Learning is Ongoing
VCAA has publications about senior certificates available in a range of translations at
Learning is Ongoing
Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS)
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
o Expand opportunities and pathways in senior secondary
o Vocational/job focus
o Contributes towards completion of VCE/VCAL
o Vocational/job training that contributes towards a senior secondary
o Involves work, vocational training related to work and school studies
Learning is Ongoing
TAFE and University system
Duration Provider
Certificates I-IV
0.5 – 4 years FT
Schools, TAFE institutes, RTOs, other registered
higher education providers and universities
Diploma / Advanced Diploma
1 – 2 years FT
TAFE institutes, RTOs, other registered higher
education training providers and universities
Associate Degree
2 years FT
Universities mostly, but also by some other
registered higher education providers, TAFE
institutes and RTOs
Bachelor Degree
3 – 5 years FT
Universities mostly, but also by some other
registered higher education providers, some
TAFE institutes and RTOs
Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma
0.5 – 2 years FT
Universities mostly, but also by some other
registered higher education providers
Vocational Graduate Certificate /
Vocational Graduate Diploma
0.5 – 2 years FT
TAFE institutes, RTOs and private providers
Masters Degree / Doctoral Degree
1 – 4 years FT
Learning is Ongoing
What subjects am I good at?
Learning is Ongoing
Applying to University
VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre)
• Courses and institutions
• Further education and training entrance requirements
o Prerequisite studies (e.g. Units 3-4 English studies)
o Admission tests (e.g. STAT, ALSET, UMAT,VETASSESS)
o Interviews, folios, auditions, aptitude and other special purpose tests, personal
statements and questionnaires.
o Publications – Choice (explains ATAR), VICTER (subject pre-requisites)
• Scholarships
• Special consideration
• Important dates
Applying for university courses
Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) Categories:
1. Personal information and location
2. Non-English speaking background
3. Difficult circumstances
4. Disadvantaged financial background
5. Disability of medical condition
Must have Permanent Resident visa to be eligible.
Not available for international students.
Focus on the Journey
Don’t focus on one destination/pathway only
• Know what you want, but be flexible – circumstances
can change
• Be open to changing your mind
Recognise that your career journey will be throughout your
Appreciate and value each experience along the way
Get advice from
‫?‪How do you identify where young people are most engaged in life‬‬
‫كيف تتعرف على أكثر الجوانب التي يتم فيها إشراك الشباب في الحياة؟‬
‫‪Take notice of:‬‬
‫الحظ لـ‪:‬‬
‫‪what they enjoy doing‬‬
‫األشياء التي يستمتعون بالقيام بها‬
‫‪what can’t they stop doing‬‬
‫األشياء التي ال يستطيعون التوقف عن فعلها‬
‫‪what they are complimented on‬‬
‫األشياء التي يمتدحون بسببها‬
‫‪where they are engaged‬‬
‫األشياء التي يشاركون فيها‬
‫‪what motivates them‬‬
‫األشياء التي تحفزهم‬
‫‪their favourite things‬‬
‫األشياء المفضلة لديهم‬
‫?‪What drives them‬‬
‫ما هي األشياء التي تحثهم؟‬
‫‪Activity: Discuss and write down some things you have noticed about your child‬‬
‫نشاط‪ :‬ناقش واكتب بعض األشياء التي الحظتها عن طفلك‬
Broaden ideas for
work and career paths
‫أفكار مفيدة للعمل والخيارات المهنية‬
‫شجـِّع على‬
open-mindedness and discuss your teenager’s passions and interests and where
they could lead
‫االنفتاح الذهني وناقش طفلك المراهق حول رغباته واهتماماته وامكانات القيادة لديه‬
Learning and new possibilities
‫التعلم واالستفادة من االمكانيات الجديدة‬
Being positive and flexible
‫االيجابية والمرونة‬
Exploration of various career choices
‫استكشاف خيارات مهنية متنوعة‬
Being a Good Listener
ً ‫أن تكون مستمعا ً جيدا‬
Give your full attention
 Stop what you are doing
‫ انتبه بكل أحاسيسك‬
‫ توقف ع ّما تقوم به‬
Don’t interrupt
 Let your teenager speak
‫ ال تقاطع‬
‫اعط طفلك المراهق الفرصة ليتحدث‬
Stay as calm as you can
 If you are shocked or surprised by what they are saying, breath deeply, let them finish
‫ حافظ على هدوئك بقدر االمكان‬
‫ ودعه يكمل حديثه‬،‫ تنفس بعمق‬،‫صدمت أو تفاجأت بما يقوله‬
ُ ‫ إذا‬
Listen for emotions
 Hear what they are saying beneath the words
‫ استمع إلى العواطف واالنفعاالت‬
‫ تفهم مدلوالت كلماته‬
Give it time
 Don’t rush in with your response
‫ تمهل في الرد‬
‫ ال تندفع في ردة فعلك‬
Helping to Set Goals and Plans
Career Action Plans:
• use the three stages of career
o self-development;
o career exploration; and
o career management.
• help your child to:
o set their goals;
o clarify the actions needed to
achieve these goals; and
o commit to participating in the
planned activities.
Create your
own profile
Parents page to help
you “assist your
Mini Career Explorer
Careers@Brunswick website
(click on “Careers” tab on Brunswick’s School website)
What did you learn today?
‫ما الذي تعلمته اليوم؟‬
• The important role that parents and others play in the
career development of young people
• ‫الدور المهم الذي يلعبه الوالدان واآلخرون في التطوير المهني لدى الشباب‬
• That career development is a lifelong journey
• ‫أن التطوير المهني رحلة تستمر مدى العمر‬
• The value of career conversations
• ‫قيمة الحوارات المهنية‬
• Engage young people where they are at in life
• ‫إشراك الشباب في مختلف مراحل حياتهم‬
• Information and resources are available
• ‫أن المعلومات والموارد متوفرة‬
Things to try at home?
‫ما هي األشياء التي يمكنك تجربتها في المنزل؟‬
Talk to your teenager
Help them find out who they are,
what drives them, what interests
‫الحديث إلى طفلك المراهق‬
‫ والتعرف‬،‫ وما يحفزه‬،‫ساعده على اكتشاف ذاته‬
‫على اهتماماته‬
Help them to explore their
“preferred future” and how they
may work towards it.
"‫ساعده على استكشاف "أهدافه المستقبلية المفضلة‬
‫وكيف يمكنه العمل لتحقيقها‬
Help them articulate how they
want to contribute to their world.
.‫ساعده على التعبير عن رغباته لالسهام في عالمه‬
Discuss the changes that are
happening in the community and
in their world.
‫ناقش معه التغييرات التي تحدث في المجتمع وفي‬
What opportunities does change
‫ما هي الفرص التي تغير الحاضر؟‬