Transcript Document

A Successful School Year And STAAR Success at Southern Hills



Grade Teachers

• Mr. Tom Brox – Social Studies • Mrs. Doni Kaufhold – Science • Mrs. Robin Carruthers – Math • Mrs. Patti Golden – Language Arts

Formula for Success

Students + Parents + Educators = Success



Grade Students

•Must pass the Math and Reading STAAR to be promoted to 6


grade •The Science STAAR stands alone

How can parents help students experience success in school and on the STAAR test?

• Attendance • Behavior and Work Habits • Homework • Support


• A good attendance record increases a student’s chances to develop the skills necessary to be successful in life AND • Increases the student’s chances to pass the STAAR

If school is in session, your child should be in school, unless

• Your child is sick OR • A death has occurred in the immediate family • Occasionally doctor appointments must be scheduled during school-this should be the exception and not the rule


•Positive school attendance results in positive academic achievement


•Encourage your child to make good choices about behavior

Work Habits

• Come to school with homework completed • Come to class with the necessary materials • Come to school with a positive attitude


• Reinforces skills learned in class • Challenges students to think • Fosters independent learning

Discipline Plan

• Sent home copies in Tue folder • Conduct and work habit issues are separate • Cuts will be noted in the Assignment spirals • Grades entered for 4 1/2 week periods • Start fresh with 100 every 4 1/2 weeks • 9 week grade is an average of 2 grades

Positive Reinforcement

• Positive notes written in the assignment spiral • Celebration Time on Friday as time permits • Individual teacher rewards-more computer time, more choices, treasure chest, etc.

Responsibility and Support

• Students are responsible for writing all their homework assignments in their assignment spirals • Teachers use the spirals to communicate with parents regarding student activities and behavior • Parents should check assignment spirals every night • Parents should sign the assignment spiral every night

Expect …in General

• Math homework M, Tu, W, and Th night • Students should read 20-30 minutes every night • Language Arts homework on M, Tu,W and Th nights • Science and Social Studies homework as needed

Expect…in Language Arts

• All major projects and choice boards will be assigned in writing and explained verbally • Student and teacher conferences with written goals • Students learn to work independently and follow checklists • Students to monitor their own learning and evaluate learning experiences (with teacher guidance)-what works for them and strategies to get them unstuck

Expect ….in Science

• Daily question warm-up • Look for notes/vocabulary in your child’s composition book. Review with your child and ask what they are learning • Check Science folder for hand outs and graded papers • Grades come from daily work, quizzes, tests and labs.


Expect…in Social Studies

• Daily Journal Entries • Individual and class participation • Weekly quiz and test • Making American History fun respectfully

Expect …in Math

• Math facts • Class Notes/Examples • Homework • Wednesday-computation quiz • Friday-homework quiz


• Healthy food choices feed a student’s body and brain • A good night’s rest helps students focus on school work • Sign the assignment spiral every night-look for conduct issues, work habit concerns and homework completion

Support …

• Be sure your child reads 20-30 minutes each day • Be sure your child shows their work for every Math problem

Ask Questions – Get Answers

• What did you do in Math class? (It was not nothing.) • What happened in the book you are reading?

• What did you learn in Science class today?

• What are you studying in Social Studies?


• Provide a safe learning environment • Design challenging learning opportunities • Are examples of life long learners • Have effective classroom management skills

Working Together for

A Successful Year At Southern Hills