Transcript Slide 1

ABC’s of Team Support
Stacy Sova
How to Manage Your Team
• Prioritize
• Break down your goals
• Create ABC Groups
What Will ABC Groups Do?
1. Set appropriate boundaries
2. Preserve family time
3. Work more effectively and efficiently
“A” Group
1. Personal Business
2. Engaged Personal Consultants
3. Personal Group Leaders
“B” Group
1. Occasional Sellers
2. Leaders outside of your personal group
3. Consultant who do not receive support from
sponsor or upline
“C” Group
Those with sporadic activity
Occasional sellers
Friends and family
Break down of time/activity
“A” Team – 70% of your time
- Regular coaching calls with your team.
Individual or group
- Personal business calls
- New Consultant training
“B” Team – 25% of your time
- Team Calls
- Leader participation
- Newsletters to keep informed and recognition
“C” Team – 5% of your time
This group you want to “match their efforts”
They know you are available and how to get in
contact with you.
5 Productive Priorities
Booking Parties
Host Coaching
Holding Parties
Recruiting Calls
Team Coaching calls/New Consultant support
What is your W.O.W?
Within One Week what are you going to commit
to from this session?
Put a star by it and make it your goal!