Tomislav Skračić, MA Undergraduate English Course for

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Transcript Tomislav Skračić, MA Undergraduate English Course for

Tomislav Skračić, MA
Undergraduate English
Course for
5th Semester
Essential reading:
SPINČIĆ, A., An English Textbook For Marine Engineers 2,
Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2009.
LUZER, J., SPINČIĆ, A., Gramatička vježbenica engleskog
jezika za pomorce, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2003.
TASK 1 – Give short definitions of the following terms:
TASK 2 – Translate into Croatian.
 The function of the fuel injection system is to provide the right
amount of fuel at the right moment and a suitable condition for
the combustion process. There must therefore be some form of
metered supply, a means of timing the delivery, of atomisation
and distribution of fuel.
 There are two basic systems in use. One is the common rail
system, in which a single pump supplies fuel at high pressure
to a common manifold feeding the cylinders. The camshaft
operates the fuel valve releasing a metered amount of fuel into
each cylinder at the instant it is required.
 The other system is known as the jerk pump system, in which
the fuel is metered and raised in pressure by a separate fuel
pump for each cylinder. The pump is timed to force the fuel
through the injector into the cylinder at the appropriate
moment. The great majority of medium and slow speed
engines use the latter system.
TASK 3 – Translate into English.
1. Pritisak ulja u kućištu ležaja bio je prenizak da bi se
omogućilo pravilno podmazivanje.
2. Čim temperatura dosegne gornju granicu, isključi struju.
3. Ako hladnjak nastavi proizvoditi taj šum, mi ćemo ga
4. Proizvođači motora prisiljeni su razvijati nove tehnologije
da bi zadovoljili IMO propise.
5. Brod je ispravan i mogao bi isploviti da imamo dovoljno
TASK 4 – Make up a) negative forms and b) questions
of the following sentences:
Example: He went ashore.
a) He did not go ashore. or: He didn't go ashore.
b) Where did he go?
1. The oil enters the cylinder through the piston rod.
a) ____________________________ .
b) How ___________________________?
2. The ship will reach port next Tuesday.
a) ____________________________ .
b) When __________________________?
TASK 4 – Make up a) negative forms and b) questions
of the following sentences:
3. The valves should be reconditioned by grinding.
a) ____________________________ .
b) How ___________________________?
4. They are sleeping in the engine room.
a) ____________________________ .
b) Who ___________________________?
5. It took them three hours to repair the engine.
a) _____________________________ .
b) How long _______________________?