Transcript Document

Definition of Diversity
1. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.
It means understanding that each individual is unique, and
recognizing our individual differences.
-University of Oregon
2. Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the
variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an
atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and
collective achievement.
-The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee
(Spring 2001; Revised January 2003)
3. Diversity is each of us and all of us, individually and
collectively. Diversity is everything that makes each of us
different and those things about all of us that are similar.
-The University of Kansas Medical Center
La definición de Diversidad
• El concepto de diversidad abarca
aceptación y respeto. Significa que la
comprensión que cada individuo es
extraordinario, y reconocer nuestras
diferencias individuales.
Habla Inglés?
Do you speak Spanish?
Health Disparities among Latinos
According to Vasquez and Mejia (2008), the ten leading causes of death in the United States in 2002
for the Latino population are:
1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Unintentional Injuries
4. Stroke
5. Diabetes
6. Homicide
7. Liver Disease
8. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
9. Influenza and Pneumonia
10. Birth Defects
Vasquez and Mejia (2008) also note that “Factors that contribute to poor health outcomes among
Latinos include language and cultural barriers lack of access to preventative care, and lack of
health insurance.”
Rodriguez, Bustamante, and Ang (2009), report that many factors influence the state of health of the
Latino population, including reportedly less access to healthcare due to lack of insurance or
underutilization. They also suggest that Latinos visit physicians less frequently, have fewer
emergency service visits, and infrequent regular care which increase incidence of illness.
Perceived Discrimination
While there are many factors contributing to health disparity within the
Latino population, discrimination and perceived discrimination seem to
be the most prominent (Perez, Sribney, and Rodriguez, 2009).
What can WE do?
As providers we can recognize cultural, beliefs, and value systems.
Moreover we can accept these and incorporate them into patient care.
Improve basic communication, utilizing technology (ie. translator phones
or internet translators etc.), or live translators.
Education in fundamental for this population. Identify ways to integrate
Latino culture into purposeful and meaningful teaching.
setta Stone
Perez, D., Sribney, W., Rodriguez, M. (2009). Perceived Discrimination and
Self-Reported Quality of Care Among Latinos in the United States. J Gen
Intern Med, 24 (Suppl3), 548-54.
Rodriguez, M., Bustamante, A.V., Ang, A. (2009). Perceived Quality of Care,
Receipt of Preventative Care, and Usual Source of Health Care Among
Undocumented and Other Latinos. J Gen Intern Med, 24 (Suppl3), 508-13.
Vasquez, E., Mejia, N.E. (2008). Sharing the Burden: Health Disparities Among
Latinos. Hispanic Health Care International, 6 (1), 2-4.