Marketing to Latinos: An Action Plan Instructor: Susana G. Baumann [email protected] An Infopeople Workshop Summer 2007

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Transcript Marketing to Latinos: An Action Plan Instructor: Susana G. Baumann [email protected] An Infopeople Workshop Summer 2007

Marketing to Latinos:
An Action Plan
Susana G. Baumann
[email protected]
An Infopeople Workshop
Summer 2007
This Workshop Is Brought to You by
the Infopeople Project
Infopeople is a federally-funded grant project
supported by the California State Library. It
provides a wide variety of training to California
libraries. Infopeople workshops are offered
around the state and are open registration on a
first-come, first-served basis.
For a complete list of workshops, and for other
information about the project, go to the Infopeople
website at
Workshop Overview
• Why market to Latinos?
• Launching a Latino action plan
• Tools to develop a basic market analysis
• Positioning your library
• Promoting library services to Latinos
Section 1
Why Market to Latinos?
California’s Math:
Economic and Educational
Profile of Latinos
CA’s Latino Labor Force
• Growth*
– 2000: 28%
– 2025: 41%
– 2050: +65%
• Skill-level*
─ 13 top occupations
require short/moderate
“On the Job Training”
• Income* $461 billion total
– L (28%) earn 19%
– W (53%) earn 62%
• Age*
─ Under 18:
─ 18 to 39:
─ 40 to 64:
─ 65 +:
*Latinos and Economic Development in California: Elias Lopez, Enrique Ramirez, Refugio Rochin,
California State Library, California Research Bureau 1999
CA’s Latino Educational Attainment*
– 86% reach some level of education
– 33 - 41% obtain a HS diploma
– 12% of labor force has a four-year degree
– Freshmen enrollment gap:
*”Latinos and Economic Development in California,” Elias Lopez, Enrique Ramirez, Refugio Rochin,
California State Library, California Research Bureau 1999
**”California Connections . . . : The New Demography, The New Economy, and the New Inequality”
Presented by: Manuel Pastor UC Santa Cruz November 2005
A Formula for Disaster
• Increase in total state expenditures
– education
– healthcare
– correctional system
• Decrease in tax revenues
• Future imbalance in Social Security
Tasks at Hand
• Increase educational attainments
– in k-12
– access to alternative education
– labor force training and opportunities
• Increase income and tax revenues
• Decrease poverty and crime rates
• Who can help?
– educational institutions
– institutional and public libraries
Role of Libraries in
California’s Future
New Goals in Outreach
Equity of access and equity of service to
• Educationally disadvantaged
• Unemployed and in need of job placement
• Living in areas underserved by a library
• Blind, physically handicapped, aged, or
confined in institutions*
*Libraries, Library Systems, Trustees and Librarians section of
the New York State Law and Regulations of the Commissioner of
Diversity Goals in
Library Policies
Three Questions about your
Library’s Mission Statement
1. What is the Latino diversity purpose of my
2. What action/s are we taking in order to
achieve that purpose?
3. How do we show our commitment to
that purpose?
Commitment to Diversity:
It Starts from the Top Down!
Board members
Library directors
Management /Administrators
Library personnel, interns,
volunteers, etc.
Commitment to Diversity:
It Is Nourished from the Bottom Up!
Board members
Library directors
Management /Administrators
Library personnel, interns,
volunteers, etc.
Section 2
Launching a
Latino Action Plan
Benefits and Elements of an
Organizational Marketing Plan
Benefits of a Marketing Plan
Maximize resources
Work with other community organizations
Focus on promotional efforts
Expand your organization’s and employees’
• Assess progress and growth over time
• Find new funding resources
Seven Elements of a Marketing Plan
1. Organization’s mission & vision
2. Target markets
3. External resources
4. Internal resources
5. Promotional strategies
6. Outreach programming
7. Plan management and evaluation
From a Marketing Plan to
an Action Plan
Three Steps to an Action Plan
1. Create a Committee for
Latino Outreach (CLO)
2. Create a feedback process
3. Develop an action plan
Purpose of a CLO
Discuss outreach efforts
Give and receive feedback
Plan and program activities
Prioritize decisions
Evaluate results
Refine strategies and tactics
Receive recognition!
Basic Structure of a CLO
• Chair
• Secretary
• Sub-committees: as many as you need!
– market research
– strategic partners
– internal resources
– promotion
– planning and programming, etc.
Creating Feedback
• Purpose
– generate discussion
– suggest solutions
– promote CLO activities
• Tools
– memos / newsletters / intranet / reports / your imagination!
• Actions
share a new Spanish book or DVD review
share an activity or success story
post questions / stir the pot!
report operational or materials needs
Goals of An Action Plan
1. Know your market
2. Position your library
3. Focus on promotion and outreach
Section 3
Tools to Develop
a Basic Market Analysis
Market Analysis
• Market profile
– market research
– psycho-socio-cultural research
• Community needs assessment
Gathering Information
(handout #1)
• Source
– primary sources: research not conducted
before, tailored to specific questions and
– secondary sources: existing information
and data collected for other purposes
• Technique
– qualitative
– quantitative
What You Need for your
Market Analysis
1. Information vs. “wishful thinking”
2. Experience vs. improvisation
3. Observation vs. pre-judgment
Avoid analysis paralysis!
Purpose of Market Research
Learn about your target markets
Identify market segments
Prioritize market segments
Find out market trends
Target Markets
1. The Latino community at large
2. Market segments defined by
• demographics
• psycho-socio-cultural dimensions
• trends
• needs
Demographic Dimensions
• Countries of origin
(Mapping Latin America)
• Socio-economic status
• Immigration status
• Age
• Gender
• Levels of education
• Language ability
Family composition
Group size
Time in the USA
Physical health
Mental and
behavioral health
• Etc.
Purpose of
Psycho-socio-cultural Research
1. Understand Latino idiosyncrasies
and diversity
2. Define market segments more specifically
3. Respond culturally to market needs
4. Know your competition
Psycho-socio-cultural Dimensions
Social norms and behaviors
Social classes and social structure
Use of time
Gender roles
Relationship with money
Beliefs about life and death, health, and religion
Parent-child relationships, etc.
Social Norms and Behaviors
– “Familismo” (family values)
– “Respeto” (respect)
– “Personalismo” (personal relationships)
– “Formalismo” (formality in social interaction)
– “Confianza” (trust and familiarity in a relationship)
– “Simpatía” (nice and easy going relations)
Market Segments
– Smaller groups who have something in
common such as:
• demographic characteristics, needs, wants,
motivations, values, behavior, lifestyles, etc.
“Targeting the right consumer helps marketers
create a long-lasting relationship with lower risks.”
Example of a Market Segment
According to demographic dimensions:
– Age:
– Children
– Gender: Women
(sexual orientation)
– Countries of origin: Colombia, Peru…
– Language ability: Spanish only, English only,…
A market segment reads:
– Spanish-speaking, Peruvian women, age 20 to 35…
How to Prioritize Market Segments
– Your market research
– Your library’s goals
– Your resources
– Who needs it the most?
– Who is the most ready?
– Who can bring your more “customers”?
Latino Market Priorities
– Who needs it the most?
Latinos with low-levels of literacy, unemployed,
disadvantaged, living in rural areas, less acculturated
– Who is the most ready?
English-speaking Latinos, current customers, Latinos
established for a long time, more educated and acculturated,
children and teens used to school libraries
– Who can bring you more “customers”?
children and teens interpreting for parents, current
customers (Latinos and English-speaking), community
leaders, local employers, strategic partners
Market Trends
Purpose of Market Trends
• Find out market segments’ behavior tendencies
related to:
assimilation and acculturation
use and preference of language
population growth
geographical location
Example of Market Trends
Assimilation and acculturation
Segregationist approach
Immersionist approach
Multicultural approach
Use and preference of language
Spanish only
English only
Bilingual – no preference
Assessing Your
Latino Community Needs
Two Known Facts in Marketing
1. Customers are easier to sell when
they have a problem! (Handout #2)
2. People are creatures of habit!
Some Beliefs and Habits
Libraries are for students and scholars
If they offer services for free, they might want something
I prefer to buy magazines and newspapers
I don’t read much, anyway
Libraries are boring, dark places
Libraries are too far from home/work
I can find anything I need on the Internet in Spanish
I cannot borrow materials from libraries
They do not offer what I need/want
There is no service continuity
I don’t want to give out my personal information
Changing Latinos’
Beliefs and Habits
Raise awareness about library services
Keep them “in the loop”
Create incentives to change behaviors
Library Services Awareness
Target Market: Latino Community at Large
• Develop general strategies to educate your Latino patrons
• Expand their knowledge if they are already users
• Generate membership
• Help them become familiar with the library environment
Your YEARLY promotional effort!
Keep Them “in the Loop”
Target Market: Market Segments
• Plan your outreach programming
• Develop specific promotional mini-campaigns
• Include them in other ongoing activities
Your big OUTREACH effort!
Incentives Change Behaviors!
Assess the need
(water + sugar)
Redefine the need
(produce your “soda”)
Create the incentive
(Mmm… mmm… cool!)
Your true “MARKETING” effort!
Approaches to Respond to
Community Needs
Find out problems
Come up with a solution
Create a product
Find your customers
Section 4
Positioning Your Library
What is “Positioning”?
Maximize existing/new resources
Link and partner with other community
Create competitive advantages
Maximize Existing/New Resources
External resources
─ community partners
─ funding
Internal resources
– products and services
– personnel
– facility
Who Can Help
• Community partners
– community leaders
represent parts of the community
– strategic partners
for specific or long-term goals
– market channels
interact daily with Latino customers
Factors That Motivate Customers
(Handout #3)
Product choices
Place (location)
Personnel (helpful staff)
Your Competition!!
Behaviors and associated benefits preferred
over the ones you are promoting
Behaviors they have been doing “forever” that
they would have to give up
Organizations and individuals who send
“opposing messages”
“Obstacles” and “limiting beliefs”
Examples of Your Competition
You want to
English at the Spanish at
work and at
Low literacy
levels in
Obstacles/limiting beliefs
Family, employer, I don’t need to learn
English to work,
communicate, or be
TV in Spanish
News in Spanish
I have no
Latinos Need to Perceive:
1. Greater benefits
2. Fewer barriers, obstacles, and
lower cost
3. Social pressure
Your Competitive Advantages
Behavior your Perceived benefits
Less barriers/
Social pressure
English at the
Offer free ESL classes.
–English is necessary to
improve employment
–I can increase work
opportunities and earn a
better salary.
–I can help and
communicate with my
–I can keep Spanish at
home, be proud of my
heritage and pass it on to
my children.
–I can (eventually)
become a citizen of this
–The library is a safe
environment to learn.
Schedule classes around
work schedules.
Offer classes through
community partners
(employers) that are better
Offer classes at different
–English is the national
–I can communicate with
government officials, police,
doctors and my children’s
–I can become a role model
for my children and other
immigrants like me.
Section 5
Promoting Library Services
Promoting your Library
“Branding” effort
• Target market: Latino community at large
– promote library services in general
– generate membership
“Sales” effort
• Target market: market segments
– promote outreach activities
Purpose of “Branding” Effort
• Become knowledgeable of library services
• Increase their trust in your institution
• Create long-term credibility about service
• Establish long-lasting, personal relationships
• Empower their community
What to Promote with “Branding”
Library mission
Free services, borrowing and reserving materials
Locations and hours of operation
Use of the Internet and online databases
Library materials for Spanish-speaking users
Library materials for Latino teens and children
New releases!
Requirements to become a library member
Fines, fees and damaged materials
How to volunteer or advocate for the library
Confidentiality of personal information
Spanish website and how to use it
Any other matter you might think they need to know!
Purpose of “Sales” Efforts
Motivate them to change habits
Address their needs and wants
Expand services in their area
Make them feel at home, sense of
• Celebrate and share their cultural heritage
• Keep them coming back!
The “Products” You “Sell”
1. Benefits in using your products
and services
2. Desired change in behaviors
3. “Physical” products or services
4. “Augmented” products
Planning a Promotional Strategy
Answer these questions precisely:
Who are we trying to reach? (market segment)
What are we advertising? (benefits)
What are we trying to achieve? (measurable goals)
What are we trying to communicate? (actions)
How are we going to communicate it? (ways to
Parameters to Consider
• Strategic partners (who?)
• Incentives (create customer predisposition)
• Competition (change behaviors)
• Amount of advertising needed
• Cost
Selecting Media: The Eight “Ps”
(Handout #4)
1. Paid advertising
2. Publicity
3. Public relations
4. Public service
5. Printed materials
6. Promotional items
7. Personal networking/word-of-mouth
8. Popular media
Marketing is a Work of Love!
• Build relationships with your
Latino patrons
• Make it a personal challenge
• Generate enthusiasm!
Thanks for your participation!
For questions please contact [email protected]