SNMA Overview - Latino Dayton

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Latinos in Medicine
9 April 2010
Health Care for the Latino Community
Latinos in Medicine
Inside Perspective into Medical School
Ven y Explora La Medicina con Nosotros
Current Health Needs of the Latinos in Dayton
Resources available for Latinos
Latino Health Connection project
The Evolution of Medicine
In 2001 The Institute of Medicine reported that about 18, 314
Americans between the age of 25-64 die EACH year due to lack of
health insurance¹
The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination III, (NHANES
III) evaluated relationship between insurance and mortality, conclusion
lack of insurance is associated with mortality
Today, 10 November 2009, 45.5% of Mexican Americans do NOT
have insurance²
The lack of health insurance among a growing number of Latinos has
been seen as a barrier to health-care access
The health of Latinos is directly related to access to health care
providers and services
¹Franks et al. Health Insurance and Mortality, JAMA
²Andrew et al. Health Insurance, American Journal, Public Health
Health of Latinos
Among Hispanics/Latinos, diabetes prevalence rates are 8.2 percent for
Cubans, 11.9 percent for Mexican Americans, and 12.6 percent for
Puerto Rican ¹
Latino women lag behind White and African American women in
mammogram and pap testing
Death rate for HIV was 32.7 per 100,000 for Puerto Ricans living on the
mainland U.S., higher than any other racial or ethnic group ²
US Department of Health and Human Services initiative of 2007 aims
to improve the health and quality of life for Hispanic elders since they
are more vulnerable to illnesses such as the flu, cardiovascular disease
and smoking related diseases.
¹NIH, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 2007 ²CDC, OMHD Health Disparities Affecting Minorities
Latinos in Medicine
Latinos are the fastest growing minority group in the US. Expected
to be 25% of the population by 2050
According to AMA Minority Affairs Consortium, only 5% of
practicing physicians are Latino
The probability of graduating from medical school is extremely
high, higher than any other professional school, within 4 years of
starting medical school 84%, within 5 years 91%, within 7 years
94% graduate, and by 10 years 96%
Why Do We Need More
Latino Physicians?
The Sullivan Commission found more Latinos as physicians
improve health for Latinos and for the entire population and thus
“increased diversity will improve the overall health of the nation”.
Increasing Latinos in medicine will decrease health disparities in
the US¹
Increased diversity is linked “with improved access and quality of
health care for the growing numbers of racial and ethnic minority
patients, greater patient choice and satisfaction, and better
educational experiences and benefits for all medical school students.”¹
¹National Hispanic Medical Association and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
What defines an Underrepresented
minority in medicine?
The AAMC definition of underrepresented in medicine is:
"Underrepresented in medicine means those racial and ethnic populations
that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their
numbers in the general population."
Four historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups:
Mainland Puerto Ricans
Native Americans (that is, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native
Education Disparities:
From Primary to Postsecondary
In 2007 the U.S. Department of Education reported Hispanics as being the
highest group for High School drop outs
3x as likely than their counterparts of other races/ethnicities
In 2007 21.4% of all drop outs where of Hispanic/Latino background
First generation drop out 14.6%
Second generation or higher drop out 15.9%
According to an Alliance for Excellent Education study:
“If Latino and African American students graduated from high school at the same
rate as their white peers, approximately 310,000 additional minority students would
graduate every year.”
Education Disparities:
From Primary to Postsecondary
 Business and Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Education) were the two most popular
undergraduate fields for Latinos
Weak academic preparation as a whole deters Latino students from choosing higher-skill fields,
such as Mathematics and Sciences
2007-2008 applicant pool 42,315
Underrepresented Applicant pool was comprised 15.2% of all applicants
Latinos comprising 7.1%
 Whites comprising 57.1%
Biology sciences take the lead representing more than 55% of all medical school applicants
Given its highly competitive nature approximately 50% acceptance rate
On average, matriculates were 60% White, 20% Asian, 7% Latino, 6% Black, 6% else
How is WSU Boonshoft
SOM making their selection?
It’s not a number game
It’s “The Whole-Person Approach”
The Rigors of Medical School
From MCAT to Matriculation
GPA average of 3.5 or higher to be considered competitive
MCAT – 4 part test
Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, and Writing Sample
Verbal Being Highly Scrutinized - what about ESL students?
AMCAS – M.D. schools, AACOMAS – D.O. schools
Primary applications - You’re letting a school know you are interested in them.
Lists: Personal Demographics, Courses, Grades, Extracurricular activities, Workrelated experiences, Letters of recommendation
Notifications to complete Secondary applications - The school acknowledges your interest in them
If you are on liked on “paper”  You Get Invited To Be Interviewed
After, you’ll wait some more and either get accepted, wait listed, or rejected
If you get rejected it means having to start from scratch: MCAT and onwards…
Medical School:
A Longitudinal Process
Medical School-4 years
2 years clinical rotations
GRADUATION!!! Now you are an M.D.
Residency usually 3-7 years (Training)
Fellowships 1-3 years (Sub-Specialized Training)
Ven y Explora La Medicina con Nosotros
Reaching out to Latino WSU students
Latino Medical Student Association – in the making!
Goal: To provide our knowledge and experience as Underrepresented Medical
students and to serve as educational pipelines for disadvantaged students as
early as possible.
Exposure to students as early as primary school and beyond is essential and
of vital importance to instill the idea of medicine as an attainable as any
other career.
“The presence of mentors and strong, positive role models, for instance, may
help ensure the success of racial and ethnic minority medical students,
physicians, and physician—scientists.” - Diversity in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2008
Current Health Needs of
the Latinos in Dayton
Primary Concerns of Latino Families
Served at East End Community services
Health care
Legal help
Job & Family Services
Family violence
Public education
Health Needs
Results from research analysis indicate that the most salient
barriers for Latinos to access and receive services are:
(1) Provider barriers (i.e., discrimination issues).
(2) Barriers in the service system (i.e., lack of health insurance and
language barriers).
(3) Community-level barriers (i.e., lack of information in where to
seek services).
(4) Barriers in the social networks of people within the Latino
community (i.e., fears of deportation)
Alegria, et. al., 2002; Guarnaccia & Martinez, 2002; Rios, 2002).
Resources Available for
Spanish-speaking Population
SALUD Clinic
Allen Health Partners; Federally Qualified Health Center
“… to reduce or eliminate disparities in health outcomes for the underserved
members of our community, by providing and facilitating quality primary
and preventive health care without financial barriers…”
The clinic is for uninsured or underinsured residents of the area, and fees
are on a sliding scale based on income.
Target population: Migrant workers, the uninsured, and the
Our Contact Information
Lorena Rodriguez [email protected]
Erendira Garcia-Lopez [email protected]
Tony Ortiz [email protected]
Patricia Cole-Walden [email protected]
Telisha Ortiz [email protected]