Serviced Sites vs Top Structures

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Transcript Serviced Sites vs Top Structures

Provision of Serviced Sites
• Improved Communication (more understanding of mission/vision by communities)
• Popularize the approved approach around provision of serviced sites to solicit community
by-in (dept. to be champions of this)
• Department to speed up hand over of title deeds
• Dept. to explain the responsibilities of home ownership
• Clear system of how transfers happen
• LA should be clear in its approach
• Dept. To be clear on destination of programme
• Communication strategy to be crafted with target group
Provision of Rudimentary Services
More PPP with communities
Link to existing programs i.e. UISP
Structured relationships to be built between communities, government and private sector
Monitoring of existing programmes relevant to provision of services (to speak to EPWP principles)
Stakeholders to be clear on roles and responsibilities
As a result there will be more capacity building, resulting in skilled communities with a sense of ownership
Clear system in implementing provision of rudimentary services by use of cluster approach (DoWA, DTI, DoL)
Service level agreements from inception
(Communities not always sure about what services they are to receive)
Representative Offices [information one-stop-shop]
(Dept. to be represented by an office in each municipality)
Data to be substantial and constantly updated
(Functional vs. Installed, Improved Monitoring, Routine Maintenance)
New PHP management plan
• There should be partnerships in the initiation phases between LA and communities
• Projects emanating from the partnerships should inform IDPs
• New PHP to be approved by LA
• Facilitation deployed by LA
• NHBRC Inspectors to have construction skills
• Precedents
(Kraaifontein - adequate, well implemented PHP projects exists)
• Impact Assessment
(Actual on-ground activity vs. Policy Intention)
• Revision vs. Recreation (Do we revisit PHP or look at strategies anew)
• Waiting lists to be disclosed to people
(Transparent information regarding waiting lists, to reinforce comprehensive participation)
• Community Mobilisation
(Govt. to mobilise communities to have a self-selected committee to reinforce initiative and participation)
Rectification Programme
• LA to take the lead in this programme and more clarity
is required on roles, responsibilities and funding
• Funding directed at this program
• Extensive Information dissemination is required to bring
on board affected communities
• Assessment of previous RDP project to inform the
• Programme to be led by individual communities
Alternative Building Technology
Relevant Intelligible Communication
Dept to encourage use of ABT
Education campaign to encourage use of technology and cost benefit analysis
Dept. to look at funding availability vs. production of this
Clear indication of global warming benefits within the policy framework
To be linked to existing programs in order to access more grant funding from govt.
More IGR needed
Must be CDH
Use of solar heating systems
Linked to skills training for the youth
Alternative Product Development with demonstration done by private sector
(Dept. to look at intervening in the process of certifying alt. tech. product development companies aligned to HS upgrade)
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