Transcript Slide 1

Nacionalna Tempus kancelarija 1
Analiza neuspešnih projektnih prijava iz
trećeg konkursnog roka
Nacionalna Tempus kancelarija
Jasmina Gajić, Sofija Dukić
EACEA Skala ocenjivanja po bodovima
Broj analiziranih pisama neuspešnim
Ukupno 24 (18 sa kratke liste +
6 gde učestvuje RS)
 4 Iz grupe 1: projekti sa
bodovima od 75 - 100
 14 Iz grupe 2: projekti sa
bodovima od 50-75
 6 Iz grupe 3: projekti sa
bodovima od 0 - 50
Analiza neuspesnih prijava iz RS
Kategorija I
Kategorija II
Kategorija III
Pregled nedostataka neuspešnih projektnih prijava
Saveti zarad izbegavanja uočenih nedostataka
-the needs analysis doesn’t exist (or there is
NA in one of the beneficiary country, but not
in other one)- to revise/develop
mA/PhD/training courses;
-project rationale partially explained;
-more effective role of the external expert;
-planned impact on the participating
institutions is not adequately demonstrated*
-very ambitious project- intercultural
exchange but without strategies on it in
partner countries;
-covered geographical area too small
-System of credits is not foreseen for
-There is no non-academic, industry
partners and relevant authorities needed,
student organizations, relevant institutions
* Najčešće greške
-Lack of the involvement of student Organizations,
relevant ministries
-necessity of creation of Center as a key result not
well described;
-the needs analysis doesn’t exist (or there is NA in
one of the beneficiary country, but not in other one;
or specific conditions in partner countries not
presented in detail, or it is too general;
-results only seen at faculty level*
-fails to correspondent with priority which is not set
for that country;
-no good geographical coverage
-specific objectives not described well (one of
-it is impossible to see the impact of the project in
Serbia, not well described, very few lectures will
benefit from the project;
-the target group identified in the project does not
seem to represent a significant sample in economy
of their countries
Saveti – relevantnost projekta
 Analiza potreba treba da se poziva na potrebe regiona unutar jedne
zemlje i svake od parnerskih zemalja učesnica – dobro je citirati
neke zvanične dokumente i skorašnje analize;
 Očekivani rezultati projekta (impact) treba da budu sagledani na više
nivoa – počev od departmana, fakulteta, univerziteta, zemlje i
regiona (po mogućnosti);
 Kritički sagledati / nagovestiti zbog čega je projekat bitan za svaku
od konkretnih institucija učesnika i u kojoj meri im može doneti
 Proceniti spremnost institucija da se poduhvate određene teme kroz
Quality of the Partnership
-competences and experiences of the key
persons not well described;
-distribution of the tasks among the partners
is not balanced;
- role of non-academic partners are
-lack of strong capacity building process
among partner countries
-experiences of the key persons (from EU)
not well described in specific area (they are
good in Tempus project management);
-communication between partners and Board
not well explained;
-non-academic partners are not sufficiently
involved and not included financial
management structure
-there is no major stakeholders and target
groups in consortia (partners from industry in
that area);
-the leading role and control remains at one
-The role of the Serbian partners seemed to be limited;
-there is no evidences that institutions in partner countries
will benefit for capacity building process or EU partners
are not use adequately for their experiences and
-description of the objectives-very law
-distribution of the tasks among the partners is not
-Experiences of the key persons (from EU) not well
described in specific area, non enough experience of the
partners (development of LLL courses,..);
-no evidences on operational capacity for project
-to many activities are on the sight of EU partners
(specially at coordinator institution); partner institutions
are not leader in any of WP
-Section E2 of e-form is empty; some relevant details
missing in other parts of e-form
-partners' communication between consortia meeting is
not explained;
-lack on references regarding financial capacity of the
-the project would have benefit form relevant ministry
been involved
Saveti – kvalitet partnerstva
 Projekat treba a doprinosi građenju kapaciteta svih
institucija partnerskih zemalja podjednako /uravnoteženo
 Objasniti konkretnu ulogu EU partnera
 Indentifikovati ključne ne-akademske partnere u smislu
postavljenih ciljeva i pozvati ih da učestvuju
 Ne marginalizovati ulogu ne-akademskih partnera već ih
uključiti u više radnih paketa
 Navesti više od jedne ključne osobe i predstaviti je u
smislu ekspertize/kvalitata za ostvarivanje ciljeva
 Menadžment projektom ne sme da bude u rukama samo
jedne institucije – raspodeliti odgovornosti i uspostaviti
principe odlučivanja uz uvažavanje interesa svih
-LFM needs some quantitative measures and timelines (how many studnets will be enrolled, traneirs trained, by
which date);
-2-year project is too short for CR;
- all management activities done by coordinator,
-no students involvement
-activities are not well described;
- there is no selection procedure for enrollment of students;
-no analysis of needs from private or public sector;
- non-academic partners are not involved in creating the syllabuses for new MA/PhD or revising BA studies;
-predominant role of the coordinator
-not balanced tasks between partners
-there is no delivery on some study programme during the project lifetime;
-teaching material and accreditation is foreseen only in Macedonia but not in RS;
-no specification on content of MA
-The teaching courses start before teaching materials are prepared
-purchasing and installation of the equipment last 17 months (too long);
-students are not involved in development of the project
-the overall working method is not clear (the main objectives have been identified but there is lack in description
of activities leading to the outcomes/ outputs)
-the assumptions and risks need further development;
the plan for quality assurance needs to be further developed,
-LFM needs some quantitative measures and timelines (how many students/participants will be enrolled, trainers
trained, by which date);
-project objectives are described in generic terms without providing important details or information on activities
very poor described;
-overlapping with activities; activities start too late or last too long;
-not clear structure of the management and quality control plan
-Methodology of training the trainers are not defined;
- involvement of non-academic partners are not adequate
-no number of persons that will be trained, go on mobility or take a tasks in project;
-development phase of the WP is unjustifiably long (21 months preparation activities for one week training
-Manuel is not described well; copy-paste elements in various parts of the project;
-no financial management structure;
-there is no info on the aim for some mobility flows; no info on composition of knowledge center staff; no info on
the content for short training courses
-the outcomes /outputs not clearly defined in WP;
-students/students organizations are not involved at all;
-WP must be link with some logical line of activities; visit to companies must be in beneficiary countries (not only
in EU countries) work plan doesn't ensure that partner countries will benefit from EU knowledge and
experiences; no mobility from Partner countries to EU or vise versa is planned;
-inadequate involvement of industry partners;
-specific objective "harmonization of …legislative" -but work plan doesn’t have any activity related to the
Saveti – metodologija
 Razložiti bolje faze kroz koje se stiže do određenog cilja, prateći
logičan sled aktivnosti
 Prilagoditi trajanje aktivnosti realnim očekivanjima
 Planirati barem pilot implementaciju onoga što je kroz projekat
razvijeno u toku njegovog trajanja
 Navesti što više kantitativnih parametara npr. broj studenata, osoba
za treninge, uključenih nastavnika, preduzeća...
 Planirati kupovinu opreme nakon što se definiše čemu će ona da
služi konkretno
 Obrazložiti ciljeve putovanja kao i ko treba da putuje
 Izbeći “copy-paste” delova teksta na raznim mestima u prijavi
 Praćenje kvaliteta razvoja samog projekta ne treba mešati sa
ocenjivanjem kvaliteta proizvedenog materijala
 I prikaz finansijski menadžmenta je deo metodologije
Saveti – metodologija
 centri u projektima: formiranje centara ne može biti cilj projekta
 “e-learning” i “distance learning” opcije u projektima: na njihovu
primenu se gleda kao na jednu od metoda i to u skladu sa dobro
procenjenim, dokumentovanim potrebama i mogućnostima za npr.
takvo izvođenje nastave-treninga a uskladu sa postojećim
nacionalnim regulativama o priznavanju ovakvih kurseva
-only accreditation of the study programme is
foreseen for sustainability;
-more activities for dissemination;
sustainability not well presented; more
evidences on financial sustainability of the
-dissemination should be expanded to the
-students role should be more active in
dissemination (not only as a listeners);
-the accreditation of new training programme
is not foreseen;;
-Some activities should be further specified (2
seminars and symposium should be more
-lack of sustainability because the programme
wouldn’t start during project lifetime
the role of the Center after project lifetime isn't
-bad dissemination and sustainability plan;
-there is no web site planed; study program will
last till the project end
-No explanation of the multiple effect and
introduction of the similar courses to the other HE
institutions in country;
-no evidence on how new training courses (or
their elements) will be integrated in 3cycle
system, with how many additional credits,..;
-dissemination activities star quite late compared
to he project objectives
-Industry partners, students,.. should be more
involved in dissemination activities (not only as
-creation of Platform for continuing education is
one of the result-but platform model is not
-lack of clear information who is main responsible
for activities in one of the working-package
-the planned work shops need to be more
Saveti – održivost i širenje rezultata projekta
 Rani početak uključivanja ovakvih aktivnosti
 Svi partneri u projektu treba da su svesni važnosti ova
dva aspekta projekta i uključeni u planiranje od početka
 Razumeti povezanost – pravilno širenje informacija o
rezultatima projekta, doprinosi interesovanju i olakšava
finansijske aspekte održivosti
 Obaveza: akreditacija nastavnih sadržaja ili metoda,
priznavanje i formalizovanje procedura, regulativa,
načina institucionalne saradnje
 Web-site projekta postaje neophodnost od samog
početka – dobro osmisliti njegov sadržaj
Budget and Costs Effectiveness
-lack of the money distribution for staff costs;
too long mobility flows for lot of people;
- not-eligible or overestimated equipment
costs (4 laptops for EU partners or computer
- 1200eur or 90 000 Euros for "scientific
books and journals)
-Ineligible expenses/not in the order with
guidelines tables (exursions, dinners,…);
-exaggerating of staff costs (coordinator has
45% more for staff costs then other partners);
the budget is not balanced between partners
(half of the budget goes to coordinator);
-mobility tables are confusing;
-necessity of some equipment should be
more justified
-staff resources for one partner are
overestimated; no administrative staff costs
are planned;
-exaggerating of staff costs; total costs are not
justified by foreseen objectives; staff resource
allocation for coordinator is several times higher
then that of the others
-distribution of the equipment is not adequate, lot
of translations for the consortium meetings are
not justified, weak cost-effectiveness for project
with no reasonable equipment purchasing
(photocopier for 50 000 eur);
-equipment costs should be reduced so as
mobility flows between Partner and EU countries
or no costs for mobility flows from partner
countries to EU (only between partner countries);
Saveti – budžet i racionalno predviđanje
 Dobro se obavestiti šta je sve eligible cost
 Uravnotežena raspodela sredstava u projektu
pozitivno utiče na odnose među partnerima
 Detaljnije planiranje troškova u prijavi olakšava
posao praćenja trošenja sredstava kasnije
 Sve VO institucije -partneri, treba da budu
zastupljene u svim vrstama troškova
Često postavljana pitanja za pripremu projekata na Tempus sajtu
Tempus kancelarija u Srbiji
Lazarevićeva 9/14
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 11 32 33 409,
+381 11 33 47 389
[email protected]