Technological developments in Europe

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Transcript Technological developments in Europe

CO2 efficiency in European steel,
cement and paper industry
Long term vision on technological developments
CE Delft
Independent research and consultancy
Since 1978
Aim: develop innovative solutions to
environmental problems
Working areas:
— environmental economics
— transport
— energy
— chain management
Clients: governments (local/regional/national/EU),
businesses and NGOs
Marisa Korteland – 10/13/2010
CAN Europe study
• Insight in feasibility of 80-95% emission reduction in 2050, given current
technological practices
• Three sectors, 41% of EU industrial emissions
• Three types of technologies:
‘break through’
>25%, 2020-2030, competitive
‘potential break through >25%, 2030-2050, R&D needed
‘back up’ options fit
<25% and/or higher costs
Energy use, production process and carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Sector analysis and interviews
Marisa Korteland – 10/13/2010
‘Break through’ options for emission reductions:
• Steel, 50 to 80%:
— Hisarna (coke free steelmaking) with CCS
— Fastmelt (rotary hearth direct iron-ore reduction process) with CCS
— Top Gas Recycling (configuration of current blast furnaces) with CCS
• Cement, 90 to >100%:
— Magnesium based clinker (Novacem)
— Oxyfuel firing and lime stone based clinker with CCS
• Paper, >90%:
— Black liquor gasification with CCS
Future options:
— Electrolysis (steel)
— Innovation in drying techniques (paper)
Marisa Korteland – 10/13/2010
Policy consequences
How to stimulate further technological development?
How to incite companies to act?
— Marktconditions (EU ETS)
— Financial support pilot projects
— Report CE Delft (
— Brochure CAN Europe
Marisa Korteland – 10/13/2010