Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to our Key Stage 3 Academic Induction Evening

Purpose of this evening

To inform parents • of the structure of the refined reporting system • how we set the targets for our students • how we monitor the rate of student progress • how the refined reporting system will report • progress how the school will provide up to date and available information for all

The reporting structure

• This year you will be receiving information about your son / daughter’s progress six times • The first report will contain an Attitude to Learning (ATL) figure for all subject areas • Subsequent reports will contain an ATL, current working level and an end of key stage (Year 9) target level. This will be colour coded to highlight the progress • that you son / daughter is making You will also receive one full report containing comments from all teachers and the tutor • There will be two further parent consultation evenings per year group.

The Report Card

Target Setting

• As a school we are continuing to use the U.K National • Curriculum levels as target levels • These go up to 8 and each level is sub divided into 3. For example, level 6a is someone who is consistently working at the top of a level 6 • Target levels are based upon the end of Year 6 SAT results from English and Maths and our teacher assessments. This ensures that each student is being pushed to reach their highest potential as it is not just a reflection of their test results.

Target Setting

• Students are expected to make 2 sub-levels of progress a year (E.g. from a 5b to a 6c) • Target levels will be reported for all subjects on the second report in December • At this point there will also be a current working level and this will be colour coded to highlight the progress the student is making towards their end of Year 9 target level.

BEP – Beyond Expected Progress EP – Expected Progress EP – Expected Progress LP – Limited Progress The student is making progress quickly and is expected to or has made more than 2 sub levels of progress in a year The student is progressing in line with making a minimum of two sub levels of progress in a year The student is progressing in line with making a minimum of two sub levels of progress in a year but needs to increase progress by the next data report The student is not progressing in line with two sub levels of progress within a year and intervention has been provided.

Example of the report card

Rates of Progress

• The speed of progress varies with every individual student, with some moving very quickly through the levels whilst others may take time to reach that next step • Targets and progress can vary greatly between subject areas, where students have a greater prior knowledge or a particular talent or flair • The progress students make is also linked to their maturity level, literacy ability and cognitive processing skills. Therefore it is important that students are developed as a whole as well as in subject specific skills.

Keeping up to date

• The dates of the reporting cycle, parent consultation evenings and other notable events are all found on the Year specific calendars .

Keeping up to date: The Weebly

• Is live now and replaces GLG for communication about: • Subjects: staff names, email addresses, • Curriculum Booklets, some other information.

Year Groups: Year Group Calendars, overviews, • • • information for parents

Home Learning Extra Curricular Activities Newsletters/Calendars


Thank you for listening

Please feel free to join us in our Year corridors where you will have the opportunity to meet your son / daughter’s tutor and staff will be available to answer any further questions.